Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind-Happy Birthday To ATC Blog Edition

* One year old  today. I did make it.
* The first comment I approved was from Judy. She said "Hey Wendell. Just discovered your blog and it's very good I must say! Will enjoy reading it in the future!"
* Funny thing is, I don't know if I have ever approved another comment from her. She must not have enjoyed it as much as she thought!
* The next few posts were some of my favorites.
* The weedeater/golf club story.
* The day Matilda left me.
* W-spouses medical lesson.
* The first grandchild.
* The second grandchild.
* The Walmart buggy rant.
* Friends and no friends.
* Papa Harold and Granny D go fishing!
* Which was your favorite, if it's not in that list?
* Fact you may not know. This is the second blog that I started, not the first. The first usually started with a "Random Thoughts". Since that was already being used around here, I needed to come up with something different.
* Parental guidance was needed for the first one. I usually just said what was on my mind at the time.
* Only one person has ever inquired as to why I named this blog  "Around The Corner From Over There".
* It's really obvious, so I suppose that's why no one asks.
* And it's true. Most of my hits come from over there.
* A certain ex-blogger(JAR) that I will not name(Kevin) was an inspiration in continuing with the blog a few weeks ago. I was tired of the hateful, hate filled comments that I kept recieving, and an email he sent me changed my mind. Thanks JAR.
* Now I just read them and put them in the SPAM box.
* I have one rule for comment moderation. If your mother or my mother would be offended by reading the comment, it probably aint going through.
* This post has taken 160 page loads. More than any other link on my blog. Only because it was the word "Autocorrect" was Googled.
* This one has taken  115 page loads. And also the most comments. Of course I know it's small in comparison to other local blogs, but a good day for mine.
* The "Question Of The Day" posts seem to draw the most attention and comments.
* A few numbers from referring sites:
   40, 710 from Liberally Lean.
   604 from The Donalds Place.
   562 from Google.
   509 from Jars place.
   Obi, you were in fifth place, but sadly no longer there!
* More numbers:
   75% of my readers use Windows.
   8% use Mac.
   7% use IPhone.
   1% use either Playstation or X-box.
* Browser numbers:
   64% use Internet Explorer.
   20% use Safari.
   11% use Firefox.
   3% use Google Chrome(that surprised me).
* Country numbers:
   70,889 from USA.
   281 from Germany.
   205 from Canada.
   186 from United Kingdom.
   France, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Malasia and Australia all less than 100 hits.
* This should be post number 696 for the year.
* I enjoy hearing from you in the comments and I also enjoy it when you see me out and about and tell me about reading my blog. Seems that everytime that I get fed up with it and decide that it takes to much time, or some idiot sends some hateful comment and I decide I have had enough, I will get a comment that changes my mind. Or I will meet someone and they will tell me that something I wrote made them smile and it makes it all worth it.
* Here's to the next year........."CLINK"!


Anonymous said...


wspouse said...


I'm so proud of you, you have an awesome gift of writing. Not spelling or grammer, but communicating a thought, a feeling, and spinning a yarn.
Live you

Jarhead™ said...

Congrats on the auspicious occasion of your first blog anniversary. A milestone to be sure.

I can't believe you blew my cover. Now my Double Super-Secret Identity will be known by all.

I'm not sure how long I've been blogging. I'm pretty sure I started after the first of the year. 2008? 2009? I'm too lazy to look it up.

The one thing I'll say about getting to "know" people from all these LLFTLODQ-inspired spinoff blogs: it's an interesting bunch.

I've met exactly two other bloggers in person. Nothing against them, but meeting people from the internet freaks me out. I prefer my own little electronic cocoon.

I know you get a lot of people coming up to you and asking about your blog. I had one person from my bank in Decatur tell me she read mine and I wanted to crawl in a hole. Well, that's not entirely true. My mom, sister and FIL talk to me about it all the time.

Hell, I should have just done my own blog post instead of this long-ass comment. I'm a fan of your blog though, so I guess you deserve it.

I appreciate your honesty and your sentiment, WW. You, sir, are truly not "your typical oilfield trash." I hope we can have a beer one day.

Cheers! Here's to blogging as long as you're getting something positive from it!

"Don't let the bastards get you down."

aroundthecorner said...

LMFAO...did ya'll see how W-spouse spelled "grammar"?

Jarhead™ said...

As in "Kelsey Grammer"?

At least she "lives" you.

wspouse said...

Ok, one little mistake, oh well, it made for a good laugh. And I'll always live you.

janneba said...

congrats, I know I enjoy reading your post and as far as I know have never missed one yet. Sometimes you get lazy and don't post and I think well what am going to read now.LOL Enjoy the feelings you show that every man should and don't you and Jar rock in that dept.

Anonymous said...

Congrats...I love your blog. I look forward to reading it everyday. Thank you for brightening up my day. Even though I have never met you in person, I feel like I know you.


Sherri said...

congrats on the year!! blogging can be a lot to keep up with... if you put your heart into it much time will be consumed...

i love your blog and those that i have found by reading yours... Jar, Angry Squaw, Answers when he was still around, LL i read but never comment - just sort of gets lost in the hub bub over there...

i feel as though i have found some interweb friends with you and wspouse... you two have encouraged me and lifted me up on many occasions in the past year... thank you so much for that!

i look forward to more of your blogging.. it's important to me... so you are not allowed to stop my friend LOL mostly because you were the first one to come to my new site and stick with me (i've lost more than 100 readers with my move bleh)

xoxo to you and wspouse!!

RPM said...

Congrats to the entire ATC editorial staff! Well done.

W-Baby Momma said...

Happy Birthday ATC!!!! I love to read your blog every single day...I hate the days that you are to busy to post. I look forward to waking up every morning and reading it. I have to say that my favorite posts was the birth of my precious baby girl, and also the day that I got married. I have that printed out and I will cherish it forever. I love you (and your blog)!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog has revealed a different side of you that I would not have known, keep up the good work, don't quit and never let anyone keep you down for long. Much love to you and yours! Mom

ratherbesailin' said...

I look forward to your blog every day. It also keeps me from having to read LL's stuff, although I did agree with him about the flattened hamburger patties. : )>

David said...

Congrats Cuz..always knew you could BS but never realized you could do it for these long...LOL

Shayne said...

Happy Birthday ATC! I look forward to reading your blog every day. It not only keeps me in touch with "Home", but shows me a side of you I have always loved. Keep up the blogging!! Love you.

Kathleen... said...

And to top all of the above off -- what's a(nother) girl to say?

Thanks for being as good a Friend as u are a blogger. And thx for sharing your lives with us, ATCs. :)

Anonymous said...

Awe, Happy Blog Day! It has been a pleasure to read your blogs and your thoughts, I agree the Friends one was one of my favorites, but I have to admit the Happy Birthday to your kiddos are very sweet, and the one where you were angry about what someone said about your daughter or granddaughter was a good read. Your honesty and your love for your wife and family are precious. Keep it up!
Boyd Fan