Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Golf Clubs and Weedeaters!

Denny Crane was telling a story about a keyboard the other day that reminded me that I have really become more laid back as I have gotten older. I had purchased a weedeater from Wallyworld, one of those lightweight, easy starting, easy to use kind. Right out of the box it gave me trouble starting, not only starting, but running. It was a demon possessed piece of......well, you get the picture. Each and every time I had to use it, I fought it and fought it. The more I pulled and cranked the madder I got. Finally after about 2 months of this it was one of those Saturdays where the family and I had something to do and I needed to mow and weedeat first and get it done quick. I mowed then went to the building and there laid the demon. I really needed for it to start and run this time. I reached down and checked the string, it needed string. I wrapped it all up and dropped the head. The string comes all unwrapped . I pick it back up and repeat the process. Company phone rings, I reach to answer it. Head falls again, comes all unwrapped. Repeat the wrap and start weedeating. Motor dies each time I let it idle. I crank and choke and crank and choke and pull and pull. After about 30 minutes of this process which should have only taken 15 minutes at the most, I had finally reached my limits of weedeater sanity and I let it fly. Now I don't mean that I dropped it. I hurled it, like an Olympic champion throws a discus. It nearly made it to the pasture beside the house. I felt better. I left for Wallyworld and bought another one. I had that one for 3-4 years and never gave me any problems. The one that I threw laid in the yard till I mowed the next time, where I went around it with the mower. Spouse at the time picked it up or I don't know how long it might have laid there.
Second throwing incident.
Many moons ago me and few co-workers played in a golf scramble over at the course on the west side of the Big Sandy. A friend had just given me a used driver. He had just bought a new Big Bertha, when Big Berthas were all the rage, so he gave me a hand me down. I should have questioned at the time why I was given a supposedly great driver that supposedly cost a lot of money. After a few warm up drives, I was feeling pretty good, and felt confident. After about 5 holes that went down the drain quick. We might have been adding to this conflict with a certain intake of fluids. Now here is the picture. First guy tees up and lets one fly, beautiful drive. Next two guys, same thing. Well WW gets up there and lines all up, now remember, at this point I was like 40-50 points or scores or whatever they call it in golf, behind everyone else, and I wasn't helping the team out at all. I line up and hit the ball, not only that the ball doesn't go forward, but it also goes into a pond/mud hole behind us. Everyone hits the ground ducking and rolling around laughing. I took that beautiful, shiny, supposedly expensive driver that friend had given me and let it sail. It went high,way high and hung in a tree about 40 yards downrange. that just made everyone laugh harder. Again, I felt better.
I look back now and wish that I had taken the same path that Denny took, but hey, it wouldn't have been near as fun.
See ya Around The Corner

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