Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rant On!

I would absolutely love to strangle the goofy, ignorant,stupid, flaky, problematic, forgetful, careless, reckless, inconsiderate, arrogant, piece of monkey loving goober that left his buggy in the Walmart parking lot and let it fly into the side of W-spouses pickup. I forgot to say you were probably to fat and lazy and in a hell fire hurry to get to the Sonic and get your Cherry Limeade and french fries. Oh, and talking on your cell phone too.
PEOPLE there are little cages setting all over the parking lot to put your buggy in. It works the same exact way as when you are shopping for your ice cream. You put your little hands on the handle and push it into the cage after you unload your groceries into your vehicle. That keeps the buggies from flying all over the place and into someone elses vehicle. If you haven't noticed, the parking lot is not level. So if you leave a buggy just setting where your car was, when you leave, or if the wind picks up, it will start rolling. Yes, they roll all by themselves, right into someones vehicle. Now I'm not a college educated individual, but I do understand gravity. It goes like this. Once you think your to good, or too important, or in too big of a hurry, or you might chip a fingernail for goodness sakes, or have eaten too many Big Macs and fries and can't walk more than 10 feet without passing out, you leave a buggy unattended in the parking lot and it starts rolling. Lo and behold, it takes off all on it's own accord usually downhill. It usually doesn't stop till it hits something, which in this case just happened to be my vehicle.
Here's a challenge for you. Next time you get out at a store somewhere that supplies buggies, grab one that is just setting there and take it inside. Just think how much exercise you just achieved in that one little act. Lest I forget, when you return to your vehicle with your items place the buggy back into the return area.
Thank you



Kathleen... said...

I'm pretty sure the people who leave their carts in the WalMart parking lot are the same people who toss their empty cigarette boxes & beer cans from their car windows.

Low-rent river scum.


Anonymous said...

Or empty their car ashtrays in the parking lot!

Anonymous said...

Man I totally agree. I had my truck hit by a cart only 30 minutes after I drove it off the dealership lot. Just plain laziness! I usually take one in from the parking lot, unless i see someone getting ready to leave one just sitting there next to there parking spot.

Anonymous said...

Quit whinning!!! I have a toddler, no fucking way Im walking five cars or so away to put that damn thing into the cart holder. Sorry... Maybe walmart needs to ad more of the cart things. Im not losing the sight of my vehicle bc of a cart.

an Donalbane said...

I like Anon's tactic, and frequently do that myself/with the kids. If we're headed into the store, it's pretty easy to 'pay it forward' by getting one more cart (or more, with the kids) off the lot. And sometimes, if you catch an older person (or a single gal ☺) just as they've finished unloading, you can save them a trip to the cart corral.

Kathleen... said...

I agree, Donald; grab and help. I do the same and it helps out on both ends. And, if you have toddler, drive the cart to the return stile, and then carry the toddler and/or baby back to the car. Many a time I had my newborn, 2 year, and 3 year old children (at varying stages within that same range) and had to carry two, guide one, etc. in order to return the cart properly. And I did it. Why? I'd want someone else to do it and save MY car a ding as well.

aroundthecorner said...

AnO, that's a whole lot nicer way of responding than I planned to in the morning. Thks

Anonymous said...

Ah sounds like someone is a garbage carrier!!

Wspouse said...

Hey anonymous, I managed to raise three boys and put carts away after making a Wal-Mart trip! I bet even if you didn't have your child with you it wouldn't make a difference, I'm sure you just don't care. That's ok, you'll come out of the store one day and as you buckle your child in, then unload your groceries you'll discover it has happened to you, or some fool with the same attitude as you will have backed into you and thought it was your fault for parking there. I know it's a hassle sometimes doing the right thing, putting the child in the car, unloading groceries, taking the child out so you can put the cart in its proper place, then finally buckling your child in, but I did it x 3. Don't forget karma is a bitch.
Or perhaps you could have someone watch your child while you shop, or park right next to a cart return so it doesn't tax you sooooo much, or grow the hell up. What are you teaching said child?

Jarhead™ said...

You scumbags shop at Wal-Mart? Ew.

Kidding. I saw a lady empty her cart and push it behind the truck next to her. She got in her car and noticed I was directly across from her and saw the whole thing. I mouthed "you lazy bitch" at her and she flipped me off, because, of course, I am the asshole, right?

I'm gonna write a book about people like that and call it: As the Gene Pool Becomes a Gene Puddle...

Kathleen... said...

Mr. Corner, ;-) I was in one of my rare nice moods. lol

Mrs. Corner, you go, Girl!!

Jar., dammit, you're funny! I love the "mouthing" off @ the Guilty...hahahaha!! I'll the first copy of your book. And blog a review...;-)

Anonymous said...

I once witnessed in the Walley-world parking lot, an older man opened his pick-up door and started pushing trash off his pick-up floor board onto the parking lot!!! After he headed toward the store, I got out of my car and picked up all the TRASH and put it in the back of his take that!!
signed...I care

Shayne said...

Hmmm. You guys are a tough bunch. Although I do not live in Wise County, I do own a home there and have to shop at Wal-Mart when in town. It is like pulling teeth to get me to go there. There are always so many carts in the parking lot, it is like playing bumper cars. Who are these people, a bunch of lazy rednecks? I am sure the brother figure will not like that comment from his "yuppie" sister. I cannot believe anon would use the child as an excuse. Obviously she has not experienced the huge ding in her new car like the rest of us. Maybe we need to find out what car she drives so we can look for it next time we are there and "accidentally" role a cart her way. Maybe you guys need to petition for a Target!!