Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, April 4, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* A small cold front has blown through. Very little rain in Decatur, but it looks like the Metromess is getting rain, hail and high winds. The wind is blowing so hard right now out there that it will even mess MY hair up.
* If the rumors that are swirling around Wise County are true, a tragic event has taken place. I personally monitored Facebook yesterday for information concerning this issue, and read some comments that were very sad concerning bullying.
* I have addressed this problem on this blog not too long ago. I am merely speculating at this point, but if this is true, I hope that every school system in our county will take a hard look at this and see that there are problems that need to be addressed immediately.
* We spoke with our son last night about bullying and were very proud of his stand on the topic. On two different occasions he has been bullied. He even went as far to say that he wants to personally address this at school by speaking with the athletics department and letting others know how he feels.
* Again, if this is true, we need to be in prayer for this family and pray for our children that are dealing with this today. It is my prayer also for our youth that they will follow in the footsteps of the Lord each day and know that through him, they can find strength and guidance.
* Our church made a big announcement yesterday. I think we are headed in the right direction and feel good about it. I have been going to church off and on for the best part of 50 years and have never felt so close or at home as I do at Central Fellowship. I wish that our Bible class was put on video each Sunday morning so that I could watch it over again. It is that exciting to me.
* I know that I won't be there next Sunday morning and miss it already.
* W-baby momma and Madison went to church with us on Sunday. Madison was so good and everyone loved her.
* My cousin was catching up on older posts on my blog after his accident. He posted a comment that made me cry. I love that guy!
* I am official on vacation. My internal alarm clock doesn't know that yet though. I have woke up at 5am every morning so far.
* Today I go get the camper and start packing it for the races. We will be headed out to the race track campgrounds on Wednesday morning.
* W-spouse has to work till Wednesday, but she will be off till Monday after that.
* Kevin Harvick won the race again yesterday. I won't dwell to much on it because I don't think he deserves the accolades. If you watched the post race interviews, and you read in to what the drivers were saying, you know that Kevin Harvick WILL NOT win another race that easily. I can assure that Kyle Busch and Dale Jr raced him legal, raced him with respect and raced him like a gentleman. That WILL NOT happen again. He has basically been handed two races because other drivers would not give him what he had given them.
* Jeffro, don't be hating when he gets spun out and put in to the wall in the next few races. You know where I stand on him, and still feel like he will be the driver to beat for the Chase this year. It will not be an easy feat now after two races of him running down in to a corner and putting his bumper against someone and pushing them out of the way, Who does he think he his? Dale Sr? The drivers today do not respect Kevin Harvick in the same way they did Dale Sr back then. He is called the "Closer" because he waits till the end and either wrecks someone or pushes them out of the way to win. He doesn't "Intimitate" them, he wrecks them.
* Did I say that I wasn't going to dwell on that? 
* Maybe I can figure out a way in the next few days to sabotage his car before the race this weekend here at TMS.
* We watched the Black Swan over the weekend. W-spouse nor I enjoyed it. Neither of us like to watch a movie that totally drains you. When you have to think that hard to watch a movie, it's not enjoyable to us. I still am not clear if she is dead or alive, or whether or not it was all a dream. Uggghhhhh.....
* We got to keep Ava Grace for a few hours yesterday evening. We bought a baby swing and W-spouse and I hung it off of a tree limb in the back yard. Ava G loved it. She would have swung in it for hours if we would have let her.
* W-spouse is getting ready for work and she's hating on me for being off work. Insert giggle!
* As you can tell from the posts below, W-sister and cousin were at the ACM awards show last night in Vegas. They had a great time. Note to them: Don't take a Southwest plane home.
* This is an "Oh Crap" moment.
* I  would have waited for the building to be finished. It was only 20 stories high, and supposed to be 90 when finished.
* Have a great Monday and see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

Facebook is stupid.

Anonymous said...

We pulled our kid out of B'Port ISD becuase of bullying.

Kathleen... said...

So, what happened?? I'm guessing it's related to a kid getting flamed? If so, sad...

KISS FM was talking about Facebook this morning...about how 80-some-odd % of users would rather not have their Mom as a Friend. My Husband huffed and muttered a Jar'ism.

Black Swan was exhausting! I loved it though...except for those scenes...ugh. And she's dead, Corner. GF had some whooha going on in her head. I still want to know what her Mother's problem was?? DNA never falls far from the tree..

ratherbesailin' said...

I knew I wouldn't see Black Swan when Liberally Lean liked it.
Like Kyle Busch never pushed anyone out of the way?
Where were the old time country stars last night?
Reba must feel like a dinosaur.
Keep up the blog!

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Sarah told me Saturday about a new girl that was being bullied by some of the girls at Bridgeport because one of their boyfriends initiated "talking" with her. She said that she stepped in and told them to knock it off as that was the type of thing that caused young people to commit suicide. Because Sarah is respected by her classmates (I know, some might think that I'm prejudiced), she said the girls apologized to the new girl. I am very proud of her for taking a stand.

The problem is that a lot of kids don't have as strong a personality as Sarah and correction wouldn't have been as well received. I think this is why more kids don't speak up on bullying. They are afraid that they will be attacked next.

Shayne said...

Thank you for the advice about not taking a Soithwest airplane home. Luckily, we already have tickets on another airline!

Anonymous said...

I have tickets that were given to me for the races on Saturday night in the suites. Can you tell me about what time to get to the track? We have no clue about this whole race thing. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Get used to seeing that rear spoiler bcuz u will be seeing a lot of it!!!! Don't worry I saved you a spot on the Harvick bandwagon its not too late to get on board!!! :-)


Sherri said...

there was a girl today at Leander HS who committed suicide in the restroom during school... if i heard the story correctly, she shot herself.... what is happening? these kids! it's rampant... seems like we went through this several years ago with the suicide pacts and the increase in kids hurting themselves...makes me so sad, and so angry!