Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* What a crazy weekend it was for us.
* Cuz, from down south that wears a badge and carries a gun, came to visit this weekend and watch the football game Friday night.
* By now we all know what the outcome of that was. Decatur won, but not without losing 4 starters to injury. Some possibly for the season. We are hoping that our son can heal quickly and return if we make the playoffs. We will in NO way rush that. He is scheduled for surgery Friday morning, and we will see how it heals from there. Keep him in your prayers please.
* We just hung out around the house on Saturday and took care of Cole, keeping the ice and pain meds on board.
* Sunday morning we all went to Bible Class and church. Cuz went with us and it was great having him as our guest. Ray Ray brought Cole and they attended the worship service.
* After church we went out to the lake house and the girls all addressed wedding invitations. My sister who lives in Iowa has been here all week working on wedding plans and visiting. I got to keep Madison while they worked and she and I had a great time together. She and I sat outside in the swing and watched the birds for a long time.
* I have to brag again in case you missed it in an earlier post. I sent a letter in to the Wise County Messenger to the editor and he then replied back to me and ask me if it was ok to run it as a guest column. It ran in this past Sunday edition. They even gave a shout out to ATC blog. That was the first time I had ever written a letter to the editor. I'm pretty sure they had to correct some grammar issues.
* Ironically, our son was also on the front page of the sports section in the same paper. I may have went out and bought more than one copy.
* Relatives that live away from Wise County need a copy.
* The fire that is burning out of control near Bastrop Tx is just crazy. I saw pictures on Facebook and on the tv that were just scary to say the least. There is a video on YouTube that you can watch where the fire looks to be burning 30-40 feet higher than the trees in the background. There is no safe way to fight that fire but from the air. You can't stop it with a 2" hose from the side of a truck. This morning it was reported that 476 homes had already been burned to the ground. Also 25,000 acres, and that was just a rough estimate.
* My mother in law called last night and told us that fires were burning in every direction around them in the Austin area.
* My dad called last night and was telling me that fires were all around them also in Nacogdoches.
* We need rain. Pray for rain, and lots of it.
* Have a great day, see ya Around The Corner!


Sherri said...

these fires are just crazy... all around me i see smoke... i was in the EOC yesterday and the resources are running mighty thin... i look out my front door and i see the bastrop fire... 30 miles away!! and looking the other direction i can see the steiner ranch and perdenales fires...

Jarhead™ said...

That sucks about your boy. I'm sure he's disheartened because it happened in the first game of the season.

Hope he heals quickly and completely!

David said...

Hey Cuz the one down here in Magnolia is still going too. I agree we sure need rain every where