Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It felt so refreshing to walk out of the house this morning and not have the air take your breath away.
* Although, the smell of smoke was in the air.
* The pictures of the fires in Texas are incredible. I saw a picture yesterday where the asphalt on the road near the fire was burning.
* The location we moved to has a pasture around it and the grass varies from 1' tall to 3' across it. I would guess that it is around 75-100 acres. If it was to catch fire with the wind we had yesterday it would burn so fast that you couldn't stop it. Whoever owns it should have cut the grass down or grazed it down before it died.
* So far, neither of my stepsons have had to go fight any of the fires out of their districts. One works for Farmers Branch and the other works for Lewisville.
* My mother in law is having knee replacement surgery on Monday, and W-stepson #3 is having surgery Friday morning on his broken leg. W-spouse and I have a busy next few weeks ahead.
* We had a Sons Of Anarchy  (SOA) watching party at the house last night. This season is shaping up to be full of action. It started out with a lot of twists and turns in the first episode.
* NASCAR finally got to run the Sprint Cup race yesterday morning after a total washout in Atlanta over the weekend due to the tropical storm that went up across the north east. Jeff Gordon won with Jimmy Johnson finishing second and Tony Stewart coming across third. I didn't get to watch the race, but I listened to all of it on Sirius NASCAR radio. From all indications, it was one of the best races of the year with JG and JJ battling it out the last 15 laps running side by side and leaning on each other, without taking each other out. Tony Stewart came from 10 behind with 10 laps to go to finish third. Had there been another 5 laps, they said he would have passed them both.
* I had the race scheduled to TIVO, but it was set to only tape just the time slot of the race. During the race they had numerous cautions, with two of the cautions coming from short rain delays. The race took longer that the time slot so I missed the the last 60 laps. I reset it to TIVO the replay today. I added 3 hours to it so maybe it won't miss the end this time.
* I absolutely hate watching Jeff Gordon win a race, but I do want to see the hard racing finish they had, and how Tony made his way to the front so fast.
* Dale Jr whined and cried all day about his car. Then post race as he was being interviewed, he whined and cried about how crappy the track was. Typical crying from someone that is driving on a name instead of skill. Blame it on everything else.
* W-mom and Harold came by yesterday and on their way home they got caught up in this wreck. I immediately started texting our pastor to see if it was anyone at our church. After a few minutes he text me back and said that all the day care workers had already left along with him and the youth pastor.
* Shameless plug once again.
* Ask yourself the same question. Who is responsible for the well-being of children online, Facebook, the children’s parents, or both?
* IMHO (in my humble opinion), ultimately I feel it's the parents responsibility.
* Miracle cure for weight loss?
* Neanderthal swingers?
* Cuz, you better get you a ticket to Los Angeles!
* This week is moving by fast, see ya Around The Corner!


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

The parents!

Kathleen... said...

Suing Facebook because he didn't govern/police (i.e., parent) his own daughter??


Ultimately, it begins & ends at HOME. If someone violates the parent/child M.O. thereafter? That's an entirely different subject....

wspouse said...

There is an opportunity for everything to be misused, technology is no exception. That father should be greatful his daughter wasn't preyed on, take their responsibility for the situation, learn the lesson, and move on. Just another example of the blame game... little Suzy would never have posted those pics if it weren't for Facebook. REALLY! I bet sexting is also an issue. I'm just sayin! Hope I'm wrong.

Crazy said...

It is a parents job to know what their kids are doing online and off. My kids have facebook but they have to be set at private and they have to be able to tell me who each person is before they can friend them. I also have to remain a friend and have their password so that I can see what is going on. I look at their facebook at least every other day. I also go through their phones at will. Its my right as a parent to do so. If they dont like it they dont have to use it.