Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* No relief in sight for this hot weather.
* I'm feeling a lot better. I must have had a 24-36 hour bug. Again I won't bore you with the details. Thanks goes out to the guys on my rig that went WAY out of their way to keep things going yesterday. We were so shorthanded at my place of employment that their wasn't anyone to send out here to relieve me. Again.
* W-spouse worked till 7:30 last night and sent me a text expressing her frustration. Twice. It was funy at the time, but I know she was serious. It won't be long and she will be back in surgery doing her thing again. She thrives on the long hours,fast pace and drama of surgery.
* I'm a nine to five kind of guy myself, except it usually turns out to 95 hours a week.
* Your welcome Mo, I loved doing it for you. I hope to start recieving at least 2 pictures a week. Of anything.
* Our son brought home from school yesterday some papers for W-spouse to sign. One of those was from his English class for he and her to both sign. It stated how he was required to use proper punctuation and grammar in all the papers he turned in. Folks, I would fail that in a heart beat.
* There is a website that you can copy and paste something to and it will correct all your spelling and grammar. I tried that and found out that it doesn't recognize my redneck, country way of speaking. It changed whole sentences into things that I didn't even say. Go figure.
* The location that we have moved to is a very nice pasture surrounded by hills and trees. It's a very pretty, well taken care of property. The trees are starting to turn yellow/brown though from the drought. It looks like it should be November.
* The company that I do work for has a cooling trailer out here on location for us. It is a 8' X 16' enclosed trailer with an AC unit. It has been a life saver for the last month. Not so much for me, because I can get in my truck and cool off from time to time, but for the rig hands.
* Wearing this FRC clothing with sleeves rolled down and buttoned up makes for a hot hot day.
* For the Kyle Busch haters out there. KB got a $1000 fine, one year unsupervised probation, 40 hours community service and lost his license for 45 days for the speeding ticket he got for doing 128 mph in a 45 mph zone. He can still race because a valid drivers license is not required in NASCAR.
* Time to get to work, see ya Around The Corner!


The Angry Squaw said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better today boss. Be careful out there.

Judy said...

My husband has to wear the dreaded FRC also. With the shirt tucked in his pants! I know, I know, it's for safety, but sure makes him miserable! Praying for some relief for all who have to work in this blasted heat! I'm truly thankful I don't have to anymore, well except in my yard, which I enjoy!
Try to stay cool, my friend!

janneba said...

glad your better

Anonymous said...

Too much GoGo Gumbo???

Sherri said...

glad you're feeling better! i can't imagine being that kind of sick and working in the heat...

txtrigger said...

Why would a student and parent need to sigh a paper that they student will use proper punctuation and grammar in all the papers he turned in? Isn't that what the teacher is for, to teach that, and grade those papers as such? If they don't do it right, it is reflected in their grade. Just confusing as to why they need this sort of "signed" paper.

aroundthecorner said...

TX...I wanted to have that same questioned answered to me last night, but by the time Whit and I got around to talking it was time for bed and we were both tired. If I remember I will ask tonight. Or maybe she will read this and answer.