Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, August 12, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* We missed the temperature record by two days. For those of you who set/sit in an office all day, it probably doesn't matter. For those of us who work out in it everyday, it does.
* The boys will be racing at Watkins Glen this weekend. That is a road course race and not one of my favorite types of racing. W-stepson likes watching them and he usually kicks my butt playing X-box on the road courses.
* You can turn the comments off now Jar. "Novel idea"? I think not, it goes on everyday over at LL. The only thing he doesn't let through are personal names (when he decides not to) and some cuss words. He lets the N word fly all the time and anything related to a Mexican. The part I don't understand about Mr. Green and his comment moderation, or lack of, is why he does that. He has stated numerous times that he lets them go through just to show people what kind of people are out there. The people that are saying those things wouldn't dare say that to my 6'3" tall black son-in-law to his face. The people that are saying those things about Mexicans wouldn't dare say that to the rig hands I work with out here in some pasture away from your little safe cubicle. I am aware that there are many readers of our blogs that reside in the Metroplex. Would you still let those comments through or create topics to generate those comments standing on a dark street in South Dallas, and let some black gang members or Mexican gang members read it? If you answered yes, you might fear for the life of your new wife and children that you have chosen to protect and provide for recently. Your an educated lawyer and you probably already know that, but you my friend are doing nothing to heal this thorn of bigotry and racism that resides in our society(county). If you had been born and raised in another county, which isn't quite so white, you might feel different about your racially motivated topics.
* I appreciate the post though Jar. It only makes us see just how ignorant and thoughtless people really are.
* Have a great weekend friends. God bless you and see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

Yeah, I turned the moderation on last night after I got a comment about Kathleen's butthole.

Morons are fun for a while, but then it gets pretty boring.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Green speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He give lip service to his so called "educating" his blog readers while totally pandering to any and all prurient subjects that might increase his readership. After reading his blog for several years, I've come to the conclusion that he sacrifices whatever moral integrity that he has to the god that is his blog.

I know the Green family especially his brother. They are a good family. His brother would never sacrifice his moral values the way Barry does.

SailorMoon said...

I'm a single mom of 3 and what gripes me about mexicans is this - how many of their babies being born have we paid for?? Yet I can't afford nor qualify for insurance for my kids. Actually, same goes for white people/girls too. They should stop paying for births to women/girls under age 20. I think that use of birth control might spike. It's not fair to those of us busting our behind to feed our kids and yet can't afford insurance for them. I like LL and his blog. It is what it is. Like yours too and enjoying reading both. Stay cool and God bless.

This comment lands at random I'm sure.......but one of my gripes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wiggins what do you think about JGR and TRD combining their enging departments? Good or Bad?

aroundthecorner said...

I think it can only be a good thing from the perspective of better research and development. Thats a lot of money on the table for sure....

Sherri said...

too much hatred and foulness among us human beings... ego.. bad little 3 little word... fuels so much of the trouble...

too bad compassion can't be fueled by ego...

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, Jar...poor Kathleen, I would hate to be female..she's tougher than most Men

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Dear Moron (it was nice that you signed your name),

Corner's ways does prove something. He is willing to take a stand on what's right and he has moral integrity.

It's interesting that those that claim enlightenment and open mindedness get so indignant over someone else having an opinion.

If you really believe what you say, I'm sure you won't mind identifying yourself. Everyone knows who Corner and I am. What about it? Do you go by anything other than Moron?

DH said...

Thank you so much for your LLFTHLDQ rant! I have quit reading the trash over there, with the exception of once in a blue moon. Barry does nothing but do his best to stir the pot so he can get people to post ignorant comments!!

Jarhead™ said...

Yes, Mr. Answers. Some people call me Jarhead, but I'll answer to Moron, too.


You were talking to me, weren't you?

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Sorry Jar, I was aiming a little to the left of you. My shotgun is bored skeet and with #9 shot, I sometimes throw too big a pattern. lol

Kathleen... said...

Ahhh...that's the comment reduction from yesterday, Jar. lol Thanks, Man. That was nice. =) And tough? [smile] I've been described as having "stones" before...but that doesn't mean pretty, does it? ;-) Kidding aside, you read enough of the JUNK opinions out here these[yawn]....huh? What was I saying?

As for the novel idea, I still think it was extremely interesting....because it prompted the challenge, "What 'can' I say without being pre-empted; what do I want to say?" I couldn't think of anything. And the Devil on my Shoulder who double-dog-dared me to say something [gasp!] oh, so "bad"/"shocking" led me to wondering what on earth I don't say anyway?! [lifelong flaw] =) It made for a Deep Thoughts w/Jack Handy moment. lol And I was too chicken to un "*" my Sailor Specks of Speak. Why? Because certain words just look so starkly awful in print. [oofph]

I do think it's fascinating to see what people will say when able...without cover. Sometimes it's an honesty blurt [feels good to get it out, doesn't it?? I enjoy seeing those comments]...others, it's a Droll Troll dressed up in Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak. And Mr. Corner makes an excellent point: who the HELL "talks" like that out loud? Who puts their Face to the Words? Uh-huh. It exposes a lot of unseen weakness out in, flimflam integrity-devoid people. Sad.

Mr. Corner has lines, boundaries, a writing and publishing ethic...and I, for one, appreciate such traits in his character. He shows a respect for that which is within his realm of control and that makes him an individual who demands our respect. His wife, kids and grandchildren are lucky to have him in their lives...and quite honestly, so are his Friends. We're all lucky, because we can trust him. He's honest. Honesty is incredibly valuable and something not to be under appreciated in this world. The chimps can have the LL blog...they have to learn how to read somehow, right? ;-)

Readership never determines the longtime relevance, value or importance of an Author. The National Enquirer is proof of that.....