Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Temps are ranging from the upper 40s to lower 50s across the area. Light winds early. It should warm up and be a beautiful day.
* W-spouse asked for a specific prayer request for Dr Long, a nurse and a scrub tech while they are away in Haiti on a medical mission trip.
* I only hope that some day I can contribute to our world like they did and many others do. W-spouse and I have this need to contribute, we just haven't figured out what to do yet. When the kids are all grown and gone, we are going to pursue this venture.
* Jeffro, rest assured in the fact that I will never jump on his bandwagon. Give him credit where it is due, sure. I even do that for Gordon. Gordon......Harvick, same difference.
* Jeffro, now I must throw my trump card at you. You were/are a youth minister. You shouldn't be supporting a major beer sponsor. Said with a big wink and grin!
* As far as I know, my friends or I have never been in to a Office Depot either....LOL. I don't much care for Burger King burgers either.
* Maybe I could switch to the Viagra (Mark Martin #5) car. Nahhhh don't use that either.
* I love Lowes, shop there all the time. Hmmm?
* Not so much at Home Depot though so that's out.
* W-spouse and I love M & Ms. We might be on to something. Although I am diabetic and don't need them, so that's questionable.
* That was all NASCAR related thinking for those of you who are lost.
* The camper is beside the house and waiting to be loaded with clothes, food and gear. Checked all the water system and equipment. Good to go.
* W-stepson #3 and I played the NASCAR 2011 game last night for a couple of hours. He's good at the road races. I smoked him at Indy and Pocono.
* Mr Answers. I have never taken the drugs that you mentioned, but I do know this, NASCAR is addicting. It's really not cars just going around in circles. If I know you, I figure you were glued to the TV last night between 8 and 11. I really thought Butler had a chance this year. They were shut down, completely.
* How do you get so involved in a movie that you let a two year old walk out?
* Jar, I don't disagree with you very often, but I do on the Facebook topic. I feel it is a type of media that will change the world at some point. Probably already has to some degree. I do agree that it can be used as an outlet for some negative aspects. Overall, I think you will see it in the near future used as a tool in the workforce and many other ways in our daily lives. Not to just keep up with your friends.
* I brought up the death of a young child yesterday and made clear that I DID NOT know the reason for his death. I did bring up the bullying topic. I have a child that attends this school. The only time the subject was ever even brought up to him yesterday was by one of the coaches. Am I the only one that sees a problem here? The fact is clear we don't know what caused this childs death, we do KNOW by the many numerous comments made by his friends that he was bullied. WAKE UP DECATUR ISD. This is your chance to make a stand against this. DO NOT set on your hands.
* One of my readers brought this to my attention. We have to address this, before this too happens in Wise County.
* I was all over the place today......
* Have a great day and see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

I just kind of think of Facebook the same way I do as the media: You only see what they want you to see and not the real thing.

Kinda like blogging, but "streaming" BS as opposed to incremental doses of BS.

Just as with everything on the internet, it's not real. If I want to know something about someone I'll either go see them in person or pick up the phone and call them as opposed to looking at FB and seeing what they want me to know about them.

I don't buy the excuse that everyone has "if it wasn't for FB, I never would have got in touch with so-and-so and it makes it so easy to keep in touch with them."


You hadn't thought about them in 10 years before they sent you a friend request so is it really that important to clutter your [already busy] life with a blow-by-blow on their life now? If they were really that important, why didn't you stay in contact in the first place?

I guess if you had like 50 "friends" it wouldn't be so bad, but I had over 300 at one point and I thought what the hell? Half of them I wouldn't recognize if I saw them on the street, 25% of them I've never met and 22% of them I never liked when I was younger and the other 3% I still keep in contact with anyway, so what's the point?

Well, that's my $0.02. I know a lot of people enjoy the "consensual voyeurism" aspect of Facebook and I guess that's cool as long as it doesn't take any time away from the "real" people in their lives.

It's just not my bag, baby.

See what a time waste the internet is? I just spent 15 minutes typing a response to someone I don't even know! haha.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Actually, I watched the Ranger game. I'm more interested when I have a dog in the fight.

ratherbesailin' said...

go to
A great place to contribute in this country.

W-babymomma said...

I love facebook! I have kept in contact with alot of my friends that way. Also...we use it at work! You would be amazed at the number of ppl that call in and say thay they saw the deal on fb or ehatever it is! Great for business!

Sherri said...

i'm horrible... i use facebook AND twitter... for me it's fun... i don't let it take over my day though... my blog does that ;) (well, and blog reading)for me facebook makes it a tad bit easier to get pictures of my daughter is horrible at sending us pictures! w-babymomma, i hope you are better at it than my kiddo is! ha!

that being said, i do realize that the internet is a place where SOME people can put on a persona that they may not otherwise be comfortable with in public, or simply flat out lie for negative all has to be taken at face value or not at all... i don't think it should be used as a way to carry on a personal relationship or a way to deliver very personal or tough information...

there is conflict in this area today about the Leander HS suicide yesterday...students say she was bullied, ISD says not... i think i'll go with the students... they know more than the adults do about this stuff....

um, so, does viagra make #5 go faster? drive harder? just curious...

i would like to see a car sponsored by, hmmm, maybe fuzzy tacos?

txtrigger said...

Ummmm, you used to say Burger King Whoppers were your FAVORITE burger, and would even have them brought home to you from Decatur to Bridgeport. (who cares if its cold) Soooo.... who drives that Burger King car? lol

Anonymous said...

Alright Mr. Corner I will be there Friday night with my Harvick gear on! I will be sure to come by and see you so you can put a pic on your blog :-) Hope to see you there tell me where you are sitting at Friday night and I will come by and say Hi.


aroundthecorner said...

Jar, I agree with you on that part about the friends that you havenst seen in years.
JJ, Burned out on Burger king and Tony Stewart drives the burger king sponsored car.
Jeffro, we will probably be up in the club seating friday night, and in our regular seats on saturday night.

Jarhead™ said...

aroundthecorner said...

That's probably very close to correct Jar. LOL