Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Temperature in the upper 40s this morning but it is going to warm back into the 80s with light winds.
* This is a scary accident. Those firefighters train for this very scenario for countless hours. Then an unexpected situation occurs. The vehicle trapped under the trailer, with occupants, and it's all precariously hanging there. It is also a loaded trailer. 130 barrels of water x 42 gallons per barrel x 4.35 pounds per gallon = 23,751 pounds of water. Factor in the weight of the trailer somewhere around 20,000 pounds and you have around 40-45,000 pounds to try and stabilize before rescuing the occupants. Then the truck hanging off the side of the overpass. Then the logistics, and location of the accident. That all adds up to a nightmare situation for the firefighters.
* When I was a firefighter, I distinctly remember two different wrecks that stand out vividly in my mind. One was a male trapped in his pickup that had been hit in the drivers door. Myself and one other firefighter (he had many years experience) were all that responded to the wreck that morning. When you are on a volunteer department sometimes you just have to roll with a few guys, because others may not be available. The damage was so that the occupant was trapped on the drivers side with the door and side panel wrapped around his left side. We used the Jaws of Life to remove him from the wreckage. The other wreck involved three vehicles at the bottom of the hill in downtown Bridgeport. It took 10 firefighters and 45 minutes to remove a young girl that was trapped in vehicle that had been hit head on at a high rate of speed. I thought about, and dreamed about it for weeks afterwards.
* I said all that to make a point, which is. Each and every accident that we went to was never the same. We used different tools and different methods to extricate the occupants. Using tools that ranged from very expensive Jaws of Life, to many home made riggings and tools that were designed based on previous experiences.
* This doesn't happen very often.
* Well, Duh! I have said all along that the BOP didn't work as it was supposed to.
* Now you can say, "If you are that smart, why didn't you say that before"? and I can say "whatever".
* W-spouse and I had turmoil yesterday. She found out that for some reason, her name was not in the book to be off for race week coming up in a few weeks. Then she found out that their were others already off and that she couldn't be off. Then she found out that I was kicking her out of the house. Then I found out that I was getting kicked out of the house and she was staying. Then she found out that I found out that she was right. Then later a co-worker of her volunteered to work for her a few days and it was all smoothed over. Thats a good thing because I was dreading having to pick up all my clothes from the driveway.
* My cousin just sent me a text saying that he should get to go home this evening. He will be staying at his dads house for a week or so to make sure that he can get around and take care of himself. Thank you for all the prayers and concerns.
* We are going to have to replace our air conditioner at our house. Have I mentioned that I have a great investment opportunity for available for interested parties? Just leave a comment on where I can contact you.
* Mr Answers brought this blog to my attention a few months back. Her writing is captivating, and interesting.
* Thanks for stopping by, see ya Around The Corner!

EDIT: 8.35 pounds per gallon is the correct figure. I knew that, but wasn't thinking very clearly at 6:30 am.....the correct number is around 46, 000 pounds. My bad.

Doc, not as of yet. I have started it and ran it a few times, but haven't struck and arc yet. Really have not had time to start any projects. A few are planned after race week though.


Sherri said...

i'm sure glad you and w-spouse got that glitch all straightened out cuz i was starting to get a bit confused on who was out or in or leaving or whatever ha!!

jaws of life... amazing things aren't they? i will say to you what i have said to all my responders here....THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO!! such a selfless (and kinda cool)thing to donate your time to help others...of course you are a man and men like to do cool things with gigantic power tools and all... ;)

wspouse said...

Oh you so funny grasshopper!
All is well with the world.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

If this little spat had escalated, I suspect you would have found a brand new use for the jaws of life,

Anonymous said...

wendell,,, refigure the weight of the tanker,,, h20 weighs 8.34lbs / gallon... firefighters know that...

Doc Feelgood said...

that is a scary and dangerous accident. i offer a correction: a US gallon of water weighs 8.35 lbs. In fact, that is very close to true for any liquid, except some weird stuff like mercury. for quick figuring, you can use 8 1/2 lbs./gallon for any liquid and won't be far off. Have a great day. Are you using the welding trailer on a project yet?

aroundthecorner said...

I stand corrected. I was shooting numbers off the top of my head at 6:30 in the morning. Either way, the point was that it was a lot of weight.

ratherbesailin' said...

What means more to me is that a cubic foot of water weight about 62 pounds. I don't know how many gallons a cubic foot is but it doesn't seem like that much in volume, however, it really packs a punch when moving.
I assume at one time the trailer was moving.

Anonymous said...

A/C man, Burl Cash, 577-4797