Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, March 25, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Windy.....Windy.....Windy......Windy.
* Yeah, I'm a little late. It's been a busy morning.
* W-daughter just text me and asked "No blog today"?
* I have ten readers faithful readers. Out of that ten, nine of them have my phone number and text me on a daily basis. My daughter being one of them. Yet I have to blog for her to know what is going on in my life. Thats funny.
* My lazy butt was laying/lying on the bed late yesterday evening watching TV and fell asleep. I was crashed by 7:30-8 pm. I woke up at some point and W-spouse was asleep beside me. She had plugged my phone and Ipad  in and slipped under the covers. I was still on top of the bedspread. I then had to get up and pull back the bedspread while moving the dog and trying no to disturb her.
* I went and scoped out the camping spots at TMS yesterday. We have new spots. 8 of them all in a square. It's in a area that will drain better in case it rains 7 inches like it did last April.
* I also found the firewood guy over in Flower Mound. He still has quite a bit to sell.
* My cousin got to go home yesterday. They rented him a hospital bed so it will be easier to get in and out of till he gets his strength back. I am so glad that he is back on his feet this soon.
* This guy is incredible. Thanks Mo for the link.
* This person might be near impossible to find.
* I heard this morning that on todays date in 1634 a Lord Baltimore sent a team to find some land. I wonder what where they might have landed?
* The NASCAR peeps are going to be out on the west coast this weekend at Fontana. Tune in, you might like it.
* Verdict on the AC at the house...........Looks like we are going to have to replace the whole unit. Ughhhh
* Have a great weekend, see ya Around The Corner!


Wbabymomma said...

I enjoy reading your blog! I look forward to it every morning when I get up!! But....I do still call you, usually late in the afternoon to see how ur day was :) love you!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure I have your phone number or not but I always enjoy reading your blog!!!!

janneba said...

I am no kin but do look forward to your blog every morning.LOL
And Stephen was awesome unreal that anyone could do that.

Anonymous said...

Make that 11 faithful readers. I read you every day.

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet you have more than 10 faithful readers..As I read it every morning too. I appreciate it greatly. I usually post responses, but it is usually anonymously..But I will start signing them with "Fan from Boyd"

Jarhead™ said...

Email me your number and we'll make it 10 out of 10.


Anonymous said...

I read most every day... I have your number but don't txt daily!!! But I love reading your blog!!! Lov ya cuz!!!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your blog. My father past away last week and your blog has brought me such peace and joy. Love Nascar...I hope the weather is good this year. Thanks for making me smile.

ratherbesailin' said...

I read every day, just don't comment every time. I know you will eventually figure out who I am.

Anonymous said...

Hate to learn that you will have to replace the house AC unit. Good news about your cousin. Also good that you & W will get to stay together AND go to the races. Mo

Sherri said...

i must admit, i was a tad concerned when there was no post in my reader for you yet... i thought of sending you an email but then as i was getting ready to hit send... poof! there was your post....

what is TMS? camping! fun!

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Feeling any pressure to blog? lol

txtrigger said...

you don't text me daily.

I. Am. Hurt.


aroundthecorner said...

Yes Sherri, camping and fun at the races. TMS = Texas Motor Speedway

Sherri said...

oh man! how fun! camping at the speedway! i'm so so jealous!!!

Shayne said...

I am a very loyal reader every day. I miss it when you don't have time to blog. I also text you almost everyday. Nothin wrong with that.......

Kathleen... said...

Okay, I'm usually one of the 10 [wink], but Mother was here visiting for the last 5 days, so I

I'm back 'round the Corner. lol