Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It is a beautiful morning with temps in the lower 60s, winds are going to be light out of the north today. Or so they say!
* W-spouse and I both worked late yesterday. The last thing she needs right now with her knee is to be on it for 14 hours.
* She came home in tears. Not because she hates her job. Not because she got in trouble. Not because she did anything wrong. Not because she had just spent the past 14 hours on a swollen knee. She came home in tears because she cares. She cares so much that she listened to a patients husband yesterday. Listened to his tales of his frail little wife and how he took care of her, how he held her and provided for her wants and needs. How much he loved her. They had been married for 50 years and a few years ago a stroke had made her bedridden. They were inseperable. By the end of the day she had went to Heaven. God needed her worse than this world did. W-spouse felt so bad and hurt for the man. She came home and just hugged me and cried. That my friends is why I love her so dearly.
* I spoke to my cousin on the phone 2 different times yesterday. He had gotten out of bed and walked to the nurses station and had went to the bathroom. He had sat in the chair for a while. He is doing so good 24 hours post op. If he can get around on his own today and everything is in working order, he should get to go home Thursday or Friday. He still has a long way to go, and a new way of doing things in his future.
* Sherri, my daughter has fell in love with Zentangle. Now she wants one. I told her to make herself one, but I think she may hit you up! I told her that they start out at $200............hehehe
* Those reductions are going to hurt!
* My goodness, just kiss her for goodness sakes.
* In my opinion, I thought that she was one of the prettiest women in Hollywood for a long time. Rest in peace.
* I want a burrito! If you don't give me one, I will pull out a gun and shoot you!
* Have a great hump day, see ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning! I just voted for your cousin . She has an amazing voice! As of now she stands in 2nd with 21.12%. Where 1st place is at 21.77%. I will help get the word out.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

When you married Whit, you definitely out kicked your coverage.

Sherri said...

i got an email from your daughter last night :) we have worked out her request and i will start working on a design for her in a day or so.... currently i'm working on one for angry squaw... i am astounded at how much these designs are liked ;)

w-spouse is an amazing woman... that is obvious from this post and from previous posts as well. caring for others is such a hard job... and it takes special people to do that type of work

liz taylor was gorgeous... sad she has left us

and why anyone would shoot a gun over taco bell garbage is beyond me! ha!

Kathleen... said...

I love Whit's heart. <3 And she's a beautiful woman with a truly welcoming demeanor. Genuine. Being around her is a warm, at-ease experience....can't describe it any other way.

Gold medals to you, Mr. Corner, for snagging her off the proverbial market. She got a Good Egg too. ;)