Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, March 21, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* A humid 62 degrees this morning. Temps in the 80s all week. Not much rain in sight for the next 7 days.
* My cousin that lives down south that wears a badge and carries a gun has been working an extra job. He had an accident Friday morning and broke his back. Luckily his spinal cord is still intact and surgery is scheduled for either today or tomorrow to insert hardware to secure his spine. He has many weeks of recovery ahead of him. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
* W-spouse and I drove to Houston to visit him on Saturday morning and back. Long trip.
* I am sort of bummed out about my cousin. While W-spouse slept on our long drive home I had time to reflect about this situation. He and I used to stay in trouble all the time when we were kids. We were a handful. So much in fact that when we used to come up here and stay for the summer, they would seperate us. I would stay at one of the uncles and he would stay with our grandparents. It never lasted long, we would eventually end up together by the end of the week. Someone had t-shirts made for us that said "Here Comes Trouble" because one of the ladies at church would always make that statement when we came in. Looking back.......She was right.
* It's a wonder neither of us had a broken back before now. We did some really crazy things.
* Mr Answers, thank you for the kind words and for your friendship. I really enjoyed our Bible study class and your knowledge of scripture never ceases to amaze me.
* This bit of news doesn't surprise me at all. I wonder how they lasted this long on their own.
* She surrendered. She should have never ran.
* I went to this factory and Museum when I was in PA. Very interesting. The Case pocket knife factory is also in Bradford PA.
* What is that saying?  It's on like Donkey Kong!
* I just recieved a text from Houston. Surgery on my cousin is scheduled for 10am this morning. I will update later. Again, please say a prayer for him and the medical staff this morning.
* Have a great Monday and see ya Around The Corner!


Sherri said...

your cousin is in my prayers.... broken back? man! that's tough!

my son-in-law is a cop and i worry for him all the time...

and all the cops i work with... i say special cop prayers often...

AT&T is a monster.. i expect they will gobble up all providers except maybe Sprint/Nextel (only because they are public safety's choice and partner with Motorola)

I miss Mr. Answers writings... he seems a wise man...

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Thanks, Wendell. We have a great group on Sunday mornings. I think everyone has a good time. I appreciate you and Whitney. BTW, I hope one of those special deliveries has that donkey's name on it.

janneba said...

So sorry about your cousin hope and pray all will come out well, long road of rehab.

Anonymous said...

many thoughts and healing prayers go out to your cousin and your entire family during this tough time...

Kathleen... said...

Man, your poor cousin!!! Prayers for recovery & gratitude over a spared spinal cord....[oofph]

I'm so completely wigged out over the Libya stuff -- we only watched recorded TIVO'd stuff over the weekend and didn't learn the news 'til today. What the hell?

"It's on like Donkey Kong" is one of my fav phrases. =) A close GF who reminds me of Audrey Hepburn busted out with it once...GOLD.