Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, March 18, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It feels great outside this morning, temps in the 60s. The wind is going to gust to 30 mph again today and they say all weekend.
* In a post below you can see the Zentangle that Sherri from down in the HIll Country made for me. Check out her blog for more of her great creations.
* Zentangle is extreme doodling. Remember when you would set/sit at your desk and doodle on paper. It's the same thing, just bolder, wilder and more detailed. I tried one and ran out of patience.
* I didn't have time to blog yesterday morning, and it won't be much today.
* I recieved an email this morning from Apparently W-spouse went off on them last night after I went to bed and sent them an email about an item that has been in transit for over 2 weeks. She's not a happy camper when she purchases something and it doesn't get shipped. More so when it has something to do with the grandbabies.
* Do you want to read the email she sent?  I thought you might.
        (( Ok so it's to late to cancel my order, can you please get me some information on its whereabouts? The tracking info stated it should be delivered 3/16, still not here. Is it too much to ask to update? True, I can return it when it comes in if necessary, but I'd like to have it available for my grandbabies while it's still age appropriate and not have to drive 50+ miles to purchase another one to have in a timely manner. Will I receive it this week, month, year? Do you only generate automated responses or are there humans with pulses who also help people? Color me frustrated! This super sucks. Items :Fisher-Price - Rainforest Jumperoo ))
* The last few sentences are award winners.
* I bet she don't meet me at the door with my slippers and pipe today...............GRIN!
* 156 between Krum and 287 is going to be as dangerous as 114 between Bridgeport and Rhome in the very near future. It's crazy the amount of traffic on that little road.
* I don't like getting all political on here, you can get your belly full of that over at LL, but this morning I heard Hillary Clinton on the radio. When she is ready to jump off the Obama ship, its bad. Not only that, but she said "If he gets re-elected that I will not serve in my current capacity under him". I thought that was a pretty bold statement.
* I was just walking along and tripped over it.
* Have a great weekend, and see ya Around The Corner!


wspouse said...

Thanks honey for sharing my rant. Still not here, I want my gbaby jumper!

Sherri said...

i HATE when something i've ordered doesn't arrive on time... and then when they won't give info? ugh! i hope the baby jumper arrives soon!

hey, thanks for the plug! have you tried tangling yet? i've been tangling away and will post some photos tomorrow... been a crazy crazy week around here!

have a good weekend!!