Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It was 32 degrees this morning on the drive over. There was a slight breeze blowing when I got out to get fuel, which made it feel a lot cooler.
* That blog author over at LL is always making fun of the weather forecasters when they talk about wind chills, or what it feels like outside compared to what the actual temperature is. If he wasn't setting in a climate controlled environment for the better part of each day, he would understand fully what they are talking about.
* Yesterday for example, the temps reached up into the mid 50s. But with a south wind blowing down your neck at 10-12 mph, it felt like it was 30 degrees all day long. If you walked outside briefly, you would have thought, "Wow what a beautiful comfortable winter day".
* There was a meteor shower this morning early. I saw 4 of them out the windshield. By the time I got to location the sunrise was breaking and I didn't see anymore.
* Mrs Ano, I recieved the t-shirt. I left it laying over the back of the chair in the bedroom this morning and she called me and asked why I did not have it on. Thanks for the heads up.
* Regarding the anon post that I recieved yesterday. I first thought that I wouldn't respond just so you wouldn't get credit for being a lowlife, crap starting, anonymous poster. But here is how I will respond. Five years ago we didn't let God be a part of our lives. We will prevail.
* W-spouse and I are still trying to figure out where we are going for our vacation. It's possibly narrowed down to Colorado, New Mexico, or maybe New Orleans. I don't know if anything will be available in New Orleans due to it being New Years so that is low on the list. Vegas was on the long list, but it was short notice and tickets are expensive.
* Honestly, I would love to make the trip to the NASCAR Hall Of Fame in Charlotte NC, but that would be a long trip to try to turn around in 4-5 days. We have decided to try and do that next year and take in a few other sites coming and going to break the trip up.
* I just finished off a wonderful cup of coffee.
* I stopped by and saw Madison on the way home yesterday. She was awake and looking all around at everything. She and I were all alone for about 10 minutes while mom and dad were outside, and as I held her in my arms and rocked her, it brought tears to my eyes. I have no idea why.
* Did i just break a "Man Law"? If so, forget that last post.
* W-spouse and I purchased Bibles last year and had our names put on them. If I remember correctly, we paid around $150 for both. I have bought 9 different translations for the Bible on my Ipad for less than $20. I took it to church Sunday morning for the first time. I can see this as a trend in the next few years. (See Question of the day regarding this post)
* I love my wife and family, and I am happy with where I am at in life. I hope the same for you. See ya Around The Corner!


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

There's a reason they're anonymous.

Kathleen... said...

Ditto on Answers?' response. Don't know what they said, but I can only imagine....people are especially vicious when they have the privilege of anonymity.

Regarding tearing up with Madison? It's because you're human, with a big, lovingly beating heart for that Little's beautiful.

I'm glad you let us share in your celebration of your marriage. It's inspiring.