Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Procrastination, Forgetfulness And Forgiveness

I have always, and I mean ALWAYS, been a "be on time" person. I don't get to work late. I don't show up for parties/get togethers/invites late. I don't get to church late. I am always there early. It's my nature, it's something that was inherited by me. My mother and father are the same way. My sister is the same way. I am at work nearly every morning 30 minutes early. It allows me the time to prepare for the day (and blog), drink a cup of coffee, eat my breakfast and take in the sites and sounds of the morning. I usually show up for a party or get together in enough time to help the host prepare or get things ready, but not to early as to disturb his/her natural order of doing things. Sometimes calling ahead to see if they need help and telling them that I will come early if needed. I dislike arriving at church late, and feel that it is disrespectful of others that do.  It has been a long running joke with some relatives of mine that for the last 20 years when they come to visit they say "hey we will be there at 9", and they show up at midnight, without fail. Its just not important to some people.

I usually remember things to do. I remember places to go. I remember when I need to be somewhere and where I need to be. I remember that I need to pay the bills around the 21st of every month. I remember to stop and check the mailbox everyday. I remember to get gas.  I remember to make phone calls, whether it is to say hello to Mom everyday or to call the kids. Do I remember each and every time? No, I forget occasionally, but never because I just FORGOT. It's usually because work demanded my attention or I was on the phone with someone else when the time allowed for me to make the call. I remember most birthdays, anniversaries and important dates. Not always because I do it strictly from memory, but because with todays technology, I use what means available to set reminders and alarms to remind me of these things. I do it because not only is it important for me, but it is important to those that I call or text.

Some people or just habitual in those things. For example. This past weekend I was told a story of a Boss that had just hired a new employee. It was her first day on the job and she came in to work 3 minutes late. She walked in and said "good morning" to the new boss. Without hesitation he asked, "are you always going to be late for work". Now the boss probably didn't handle this properly, but my point is this. Was she going to be a habitual late person? If so, she wasn't the right person for this job. It could have been traffic, or the alarm went off late or any other number of reasons. The fact remains, if it was going to be a habit of her being late, they didn't need her.

Am I perfect? No. Far from it. Does that make the person that does forget, a bad person? No. Does that make the person that doesn't call and wish you a Happy Birthday, or Happy Anniversary a bad person? No. Does that make the person that is supposed to take care of something important, and forgets, a bad person? No. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in other things that we just FORGET. There is no explanation, no reason. We just simply forget. Sometimes life and the daily struggles just take priority. Some handle those pressures with ease, some don't. Some just wake up the next morning and erase yesterday. Simply forgetting everything from that point back. For others its just not important to them. They list other things as higher priorities in their life.

I want to take this oppurtunity to say, I forgive you. I forgive you for being late. I forgive you for forgetting. I forgive you for not calling. I know that these things are not easy for some, and for others, its simply a way of life.


Wspouse said...

Thank for understanding. I love you

janneba said...

That was so nice.

Kathleen... said...

Honestly, I wish I could be more like you and the Early Birds. But. I'm. Not. =^( I'm always running to get to places on time, a little late, usually. I forget things ALL the time...and I always feel like a heel. It's not that I don't care -- truly. It's just that there's 110 things whirling around in my head all the time....things get lost into the shuffle, I guess.
