Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* I saw a low of 31 on the rear view mirror this morning. As the sun comes up, it looks like snow on the ground because of the heavy frost.
* The well that we are working on is giving us fits because of the high pressures. That is something we don't deal with in this area on a regular basis.
* As hard as W-spouse and I tried to get into bed a little early last night, it never happened. It was nearly 10:30 by the time we got into bed. She was asleep in 30 seconds.
* We didn't even eat supper till 9pm. We went to Joes Pizza in Decatur. She had Chicken Fetticini Alfredo, I had Pizza and Cheese Ravioli. Not good to eat that late, but we had no choice last night. I hadn't eaten all day and I was "Starvin Marvin".
* I got to see both grandbabies last night also. They were both little angels.
* In the last three days, between those two little angels, there have been fluids applied to my shirts that they don't use at the cleaners. Did it bother me? Not at all!
* W-mother-in-law is having knee replacement surgery after the first of the year. Please keep her in your prayers.
* The door lock on my pickup on the drivers door will not work with the clicker on the keyring or the lock switch on the door. It will only work by manually moving it up and down. After you get used to auto door locks, it's hard to not forget to lock it when you get out. Not to mention, IT SHOULD WORK. Anyone had this problem with a GM product?
* I love the tire pressure indicator concept on vehicles. But during drastic weather changes such as we have had in the last few weeks, the indicators don't have a program built in to compensate for the colder temps. All that flashing on the dash is distracting till the tires reach operating temps.
* On really large tires, such as W-spouses ride (2008 GMC Texas Edition), with 20s, the tire pressures fluctuate 5 degrees or more in the cold weather. That indicator doesn't like that at all. It will start blinking after a 2-3 pound air pressure difference.
* I am a little frustrated with this Embarq/Century Link/DIRECTV merger deal. If you didn't know that Century Link and DIRECTV have merged, they have. Now, if you are paying for a land line phone and an internet line and you don't ever use the land line. You are probably getting screwed. There is a dedicated internet line that you can get that is much cheaper. Not only that, if you run a router that you have purchased yourself, they also offer a modem/router all in one that comes with your service. Or they offer just the modem, and you provide the router. They also offer multiple packages with internet/phone/tv or internet/tv or phone/tv. For many years we have been stuck with very few options as far as internet, cable tv, satellite tv, phone service that we just had to pay whatever to get the service. Now we have options, so why am I frustrated? Because I have been paying for a phone line and internet line for 4 years at nearly $78 dollars a month and never used the phone, didn't even want the phone but they said you had to have it to get the interent. So now they come along and offer just a dedicated internet line for $25 dollars a month (with a one year sign up). Do the math. The way I see it they owe me $2544.
* Now I am probably wrong about my math in that last post, but I think it is just greed. I think as a consumer of their product that they owe some sort of compensation for the changes. Especially a long term customer with a excellent pay history. RANT OVER
* I haven't even begun to talk to them about the DIRECTV/internet package deal yet. I'm still upset over the other findings.
* It is my prayer that you have a great day and find happiness in all you do, see ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

We are in the same boat with home phone and internet. We have a home phone that we have not used in over a year. How do I know it has been a year? you might ask. It was packed with the Christmas stuff and found last week. Once the battery charged up we got a call from Embarq saying since we were such great customers they had a package deal for us. Needless to say we were suckered in. We have gone from a 1 tv, no cable, dsl plug in house to a 4 tv, direct tv on all tvs, direct cinema(like Netflix) and internet wireless house.

Anonymous said...

yes you were wrong on your math, they owe you 3744.00 and i would collect.
your wife has 20 on her vehicle, I have a brand new set of 20 (rims and Tires) for sale. Still have the raod side hazard warrenty on them.
Comment back on here if you r interested and i will get you my email address.

janneba said...

I agree on the Century-Link deal but since I don't have DirectTV nothing to say about them. I discontinued my landline around the 1st of Nov thinking I could use my cell WRONG I can't get reception out here most of the time or make calls out unless I am on the back deck.(Sunset area) so called them on the 19th to re-activate the land line she said it would be the next day. NOT after getting several calls in I still couldn't call out so after many calls to Century Link, remember I am on my cell, calls getting dropped I am slowly losing what little religion I have. On the day after I called and made such a fuss a lady called and said I wouldn't have service until the 29th okay then why are people already calling me I had gotten a new numeber because I wanted to keep my internet so when I re-activated it I had to let everyone know the new number, 29th was Monday and I still could not call out even went to WM and bought a new phone after trying the dozen or so I had only one worked a princess slimline (older than I)I could dial out on it but still couldn't on any of the others. Something is not right here so I call them again and go thru about 6 people before a lady says I am going to make a work order and there will be someone out there within 24 hours, about an hour later a lady calls and she says we have fixed your problem so do a call out check I will call you right back so I did and the phone line worked I asked her what the problem had been the phone line's touch tone had not been activated which is why the really old phone worked and the new ones didn't it had pulse. I had told everyone I talked to about the old phone working and out of about 20 people I talked to over a 10 day period only one put caught the problem, not a good thing. I have Dish Network bundled with Century Link and love it but have had Dish Network for many years since they first came out we originally had Prime Star. Okay like you rant is over.LOL

aroundthecorner said...

Send info and pics of tires and wheels to wwwigginsatembrqmaildotcom

wspouse said...

Oh my G! I'm so thankful that you are in charge of the household technology, and paying bills, and maintenance, and the yard. And I'm in charge of groceries, and decorating, with some occasional laundry.
Let me reiterate, I'm sooooooooooo thankful.
Love you long time