Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Wife

One of my favorite pictures of her.

* It's W-spouses birthday today.
* If you see her, give her a hug, but I already did.
* You can tell her how beautiful she is, but I already did.
* You can tell her that her hair is soft and smells so good, but I already did.
* You can tell her that she is the best wife in the world, but I already did.
* You can tell her that she is a great mother, but her children always do..
* You can tell her that she is the greatest grandmother in the world, but I already did.
* You can tell her how much she means to the people around her, but they do all the time.
* You can tell her that her work ethic is tireless, but she is told that at work all the time.
* You can tell her that her positive attitude is so cheerful, but if you ever met her you know that.
* You can tell her how her skin is so soft and warm to the touch, but I already did.
* You can tell her how glamorous she is, but I assure you she won't like that one.
* You can tell her that her green blue eyes are pretty, but I already did.
* You can tell her that she is smart, but she tells me that all the time.
* You can tell her that she remains calm under pressure, but I already do, numerous times.
* You can tell her that her kisses are magnificent, but you might have to answer to me.
* You can tell her how she makes your life complete, but I already did.
* You can tell her how much you love her, and I do everyday.

Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for being so forgiving.
Thank you for listening to my rants and raves.
Thank you for accepting me as I am.
Thank you for caring so much about our family.
Thank you for making each day brighter.
Thank you for helping me to be a better father and grandfather.
And most of all, thank you for being my wife.

I love you and Happy Birthday!

Her being a little Nursey!


wspouse said...

Thank you honey, you've made my day. I don't feel deserving of those beautiful words. I love you.

wspouse said...

I even like the pics! The nursey one, by the way, is at the old hospital. Ok I don't like that one cause now I'm ancient. A certain birthday girl stopped by Bealls yesterday to check out potential gifts ... Asked salesclerk if there were any current coupons? She said no but it's 50 Tuesday or super Tuesday or whatever they call it, the point is for those who have seen at least 50 Christmas trees get an extra 20% off. I can't wait, just 2 more years! AARP, senior discounts at hotels and restaurants. Dude, I'm gonna act like a senior in high school and the rest of the world are under classmen and give them crap, cut in line, get the best parking spots, make them carry stuff for me. Awesome! Can't wait.

Judy said...

That was so sweet! Tell her I said Happy Birthday!

Kathleen... said...

Awww......Happy Birthday, Whit! =)

janneba said...

That was neat, Happy Birthday to your Whitney.

Anonymous said...

Rex & I called & sang Happy Birthday to Whitney this a.m. Loved all you wrote about her & the comment about her telling you how smart she is made me grin. Thank you, Wendell, for loving Whitney so much. She is so special to me. Love, Mo

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Happy birthday, Whit! Normally, I don't like to agree with Wendell but on this post, he's spot on.

The Angry Squaw said...

Absolutely fantastic birthday post Corner, you ol dog!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful tribute to a great lady! Happy Happy Birthday to Whitney!!! Love Mom

David said...

I'm just wondering what you did Cuz....LOL
nice post and I already did miss with her about the bday but for putting up with you I'll say it twice LOL

Sherri said...

i'm a day late and a dollar short (been out sick)....


(ATC you did a great job here... great tribute)

Shayne said...

Aww! Ain't he so sweet. :)> Hope your day was great sister-in-law.

RPM said...

Happy (Belated) Birthday W-Spouse!