Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, September 26, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It is a cool morning with a beautiful sunrise.
* Wow, what a weekend.
* I got off work a little early on Friday. We couldn't get the equipment we needed till Monday, so they shut us down. I took the opportunity to find a carpet cleaner and get the carpets cleaned while I was off work. He had the carpets cleaned and left about 6pm and W-spouse and I headed off to shop for some new furniture.
* After shopping till late we had dinner at BJs Brewhouse.
* We purchased new theatre seating for the media room that will be arriving on Friday. The wedding rehearsal is also on Friday so I feel a scheduling conflict coming.
* The entertainment center is scheduled for delivery on Thursday. So all the furniture in the media room now will all have to be moved out on Wednesday. Some of it is going into the living room/playroom.
* I spent Saturday morning at Lowes and Walmart purchasing a new ceiling fan and 47" HDTV for the living room. I then spent the better part of the day installing both.
* Sunday morning we went to church. W-spouse had missed the last two weeks so she was in need of some spiritual guidance after being around me all day Saturday.
* Sunday after church we were both back in Lowes pricing new granite counter tops for the kitchen. We will also be pricing them at Builders Surplus.
* All of the kids and grand kids were by the house at some point Sunday. We got to entertain both of the grand kids for a while. They love each other and play together so well.
* During all of the activity at the house Sunday, I had the race on the new TV in the living room and was keeping up with the race somewhat. I looked up at some point and Jeff Gordon was in the lead so I wasn't real interested then. Later I looked up and the white flag was out and Tony Stewart was in the lead. I could hear my phone beeping on the bar and when I went and looked at it there were 15 messages from friends and family and they were all about Tony Stewart winning. I later watched the race to see what had all taken place.
* Some points: Mr 5 Time (Jimmy Johnson) is starting to get the Kevin Harvick syndrome. He thinks everyone should yield to him and his style of driving. Kyle didn't cut him any slack so therefore he tried to wreck Kyle. Kyle is a master of car control so when JJ tried to move him out of the way, it done more damage to JJs car than Kyles. A lot of races this year have been determined by fuel mileage. Dale Jr was coming, and coming fast, till he blew another tire at the end. He probably had the best car toward the end of the race. This whole scenario could change in the next two races, just as fast as it has changed during the first two races. And we are heading to Jimmy Johnsons playground, Dover. A 1 mile bowl of hard racing and fast lap times with 24 degree banking in the turns.
* The wedding is less than a week away. W-daughter #2 is so nervous. Everything is falling into place like it's supposed to. W-sister will be here on Thursday to finalize all the wedding plans and put everything in to order.
* W-daughter and I spent a couple of hours yesterday getting all the music that she and the groom had requested put into a playlist.
* Yep....Perry for President. I sent $50k  to his campaign fund over theweekend.(Who knew you could do that through PayPal?) If you don't like it, go over to the Liberally Lean site and hang out with the idiots.
* I have a friend that doesn't like his hair, and said she won't vote for him because of his hair. I don't take much stock in that though, she likes me and I don't have any hair.
* Have a great Monday, see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

"We purchased new theatre seating for the media room..."

I don't even know you anymore.

ratherbesailin' said...

Wheeehaw! Smoke does it again.

( Have you checked out Herman Cain? )

Anonymous said...

You could have given me $50,000 and actually gotten something for your money.

$50k? Really? So why are you shopping at Walmart?

Anonymous said...

wasted 50.00
don't appreciate being called an idiot

Anonymous said...

On you counter tops go to Classic Floor Covering in Decatur. They did ours and beat everyone price wise.

Former DHSEagleMom 4

Anonymous said...

50.00 or 50,000.00.....maybe I read that right or wrong?

Anonymous said...

$50,000? Really? I need new counter tops! Save your $50,000 and let's both get new kitchens, not just counters!

wspouse said...

People, I can assure you, if he contributed 50k to any campaign this would be his last post and I would be driving black beauty tomorrow and booking a trip to mourn his passing on the beach in Cozumel. I'm just sayin!
Live you honey

Kathleen... said...

Jar cracked me up! W-Spouse, your first post made me snuffle like you have a cold! Damn auto-correct/little buttons...;-)

Ugh...just a commercial for 'Anderson.' Seriously?? I hate talk shows....

Back on topic: Mr. Hair isn't my fav, but his new commercial ad rocked!

Ever been to the Rhome go-cart races?

Anonymous said...

Certain granite counter tops are radioactive.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - I just donated $100K, erp, $100 to Obama, in your honor.

Doc Feelgood said...

It will be whoever-but-Obama for me, but I watched the recent debate (the first one I've seen this year), and I must say that I thought Perry was lousy. If he's it, Obama will shred him when they debate. I think he's unelectable. Surely one of the others will prevail.

Kathleen... said...

At 3:26, re: radioactive counter tops -- someone warned us of the same when we remodeled our kitchen once. We asked about it and were advised that there's so very little radioactive elements in natural rock, it's a non-issue. The microwave puts off more waves than a counter can.