Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, September 19, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It feels really good outside this morning. A cool 65 degrees.
* As I might have already said, our building got delivered last week. I spent all weekend moving things into it, building shelves and a work bench, putting together pre-fab shelving and putting things in their respectful places.
* Some guys I work with came Saturday morning and helped move everything that was stored in the house, in the attic, in the outside closet, from the carport and on the patio. They had it all moved in about three hours. It would have taken me two weeks by myself.
* Saturday morning I went to Lowes and purchased ALL the materials I would need for the weekend. Before the weekend was over, I had went back two more times.
* I got my saw out early to cut off some boards and immediately started smelling smoke. I tried it again with the same result. Back to Lowes for a new cutoff saw.
* I purchased a new 1/2" drill with some gift certificates that I got for Christmas a couple of months ago, but I didn't have a 3/8" electric drill, so I purchased a new one of those also.
* I have a set of Firestorm 18 volt cordless tools. When I got the set it came with a battery, and I bought an extra one. That was 3 years ago and both batteries don't hold a charge now. So while at Lowes I purchased a new battery for the set. $39.95 for a battery. Ridiculous. While there I looked at other options and you can buy an 18 volt 3/8" cordless drill with a battery for $44.00. If I did that though all my other tools would be worthless, so I bought the battery.
* Lowes liked me this weekend.
* W-spouse made a quick trip to Austin to spend some time with her mother. She is recovering well and it was good hearing she was doing so well.
* When W-spouse got home last night the first thing she did was go to the building and check out the progress. I think she was pleased. I also think she better had been......
* Madi and her mom made a surprise visit on Saturday and I got to play with her for a while.
* W-daughter #2 came by on Sunday morning and helped me rearrange some things up in the storage loft. She spent a couple of hours with me and I really enjoyed the time visiting with her. She is such a hard worker and isn't scared to get dirty while doing so.
* Less than two weeks till she gets married and is no longer my own baby girl!
* We moved to a new location this morning and get's so muddy I had to put my truck in 4 wheel drive to avoid getting stuck. Last week it was so dry you could hide this truck in the cracks in the ground.
* Time to get to work, see ya Around The Corner!


txtrigger said...

Should have bought DeWalt tools..... just saying

ratherbesailin' said...

How about a little primer on why the same NASCAR car will be faster one week than another. As an uninformed fan it seems to me that by now they would have it right and leave it that way.
Just whenever you feel like responding.

Anonymous said...

Dude, she will ALWAYS be your baby girl!

wspouse said...

Honey, I hope you have a great day.
Just, remember, you're grounded from Lowes and Sears, and any other store that may or may not sell tools, building supplies, or any sort of home improvement items. NOT EVEN DUCT TAPE! So, that leaves Bealls, Hibbett, or any of the boutiques around town. Unfortunately for you the parking isn't condusive to vehicles such as black beauty.
Live you!
P.S. the building looks great

Judy said...

"Lowe's liked me this weekend". Lowe's LOVES my hubby at least once a month!

Sherri said...

she will always be your little girl... even when she is ripe and old..we are always daddy's girls... man will ever change that...

lowes and home depot and all those other man stores... you guys always say you are buying ALL the items you need when working on a project... but i think that is a big fat lie... it's a ruse! you intentionally "forget" one or two things so you have to go back... and when you go back for those one or two things, you guys will inevitably find other things that you MUST have... hahahaha

:) oh and thank you for the kind words yesterday...

Vicki said...

I love you daddy

aroundthecorner said...

JJ, I did buy Dewalt.
W-spouse....well, never mind.
RBS...I really don't understand your question. If you mean week to week, there are thousands of variables. Track conditions(which can be many things),tire design, car setup from track to track, air temperature and track temperature.

If you mean year to year. They(NASCAR and teams) are always evaluating the designs of the cars for safety and FAIR race competition. Which from time to time neccitates changes in the cars and or engines.
I hope that answers your question. If not, let me know!

janneba said...

I was going to say good thing w-spouse was out of town, with all those trips to Loew's but I think it has already been taken care of.LOL