Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, September 16, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Yesterdays temperature was about as nice as it gets.
* Yesterday I had parked downwind of the well we are working on and something got on my pickup. I pulled into the drive through car wash and rinsed it off. While exiting it started raining. I should have just thrown the money out the window instead.
* W-spouse baked some cookies last night. Apparently there was a good batch and a burned batch. I reached down and grabbed one as I walked by without looking and bit into a cookie that tasted so bad it even made me wretch. I tried rinsing my mouth out with gasoline and couldn't get rid of the taste.
* Our building arrived late yesterday evening. Thoughts: It is much bigger than we thought. It is much taller than we expected. The location that we had chosen to set it on was more unlevel that we accounted for, so on the backside of the building it is setting on blocks nearly 16" off the ground. I love it and can't wait to start building my workbench and adding all the things inside. It's going to be nice moving all my junk out of a cramped closet and clearing the carport of all the junk I have stored there.
* W-spouse is leaving for Austin this weekend to go be with her mom. If you know of any wild women available, just leave me their contact info in the comments section. I cleaned and serviced the hot tub last night so I am ready for a few nights of fun.
* Actually, W-stepson #3, who is currently on crutches and still needs a little help getting around is staying home with me this weekend, so the above post was just a joke.
* If you haven't heard, the latest NASCAR controversy is that Paul Menard was ordered to spin out late in the last race so a caution would allow Kevin Harvick to be able to catch up with Jeff Gordon in the pits. I believe they do that all the time. Who wouldn't for the amounts of money they are racing for? It wouldn't be the first time a NASCAR team has ever stretched the rules to fit the circumstance on hand.
* I want to go to Talladega this year, but since someone decided to get married, (wink) W-spouse and I decided to put it off till next year.
* I stopped at Whataburger this morning for breakfast. I ordered a sweet tea with my meal. Oh my it's good.
* W-mom stayed with W-stepson yesterday while we worked. She had prepared for lunch a pot roast with carrots, onions and potatoes and there was enough left for supper. That was the best meal I had eaten in months. There is nothing like your moms cooking to bring back a rush of memories. If I could have just convinced her to have made me a strawberry shortcake.
* One year while we were at the lake during reunion, W-mom had made a strawberry shortcake for one of the meals. I cut me off a piece of it and went and set down. One of my cousins came by and made a comment and said "why didn't you just eat the whole thing". Mom heard this and later made another one just so I could take it outside in front of everyone, where I sat down and ate the whole thing, all by myself. Looking back, I was thinking that wasn't very nice. I could have let her lick the fork or the plate.
* Be careful when you go to the restroom at McDonald's.
* I thought that headline meant Rosie O'Donnell.
* This is exactly why I don't drink coffee at home with W-spouse.
* OK, you people in Arkansas are crossing the line.
* I just don't understand things like this.
* Hoping for an easy day over here. Have a great weekend, see ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

You really don't want a Strawberry cake, do you??? I guess I could use a sugar free cake. Love Mom

Crazy said...

I would throw some money out the window to see it rain again today.

txtrigger said...

cookies and sweet tea??? Ummmmmm tisk-tisk. How many sugars was THAT for your daily intake. ;-)

W-BabyMomma said... much money did you throw out the window crazy??

ratherbesailin' said...

Rain in Mansfield but not enough to float a boat.