Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Temps up to 105 in our area today. Red Flag Warnings are out all across the state. One forecaster said "This is potentially our worst day this year for fires" the humidity is supposed to get down to 10-13 percent after noon today with winds up to 20mph.
* If we reach 100 today, it will break the record for most days over 100 this year since we started keeping record of it.
* I forgot to say yesterday that W-stepson #2 got called, on Sunday, with a Strike Team to go fight the fires across Texas. He text us yesterday and told us that they had sent him south to the Magnolia fire. As of late yesterday it was contained and they were just patrolling for hot spots. He was to attend a meeting last night for further orders. We didn't hear from him last night so we don't know if he stayed there or is being moved somewhere else, or coming home.
* Update on mother in law: Made it through surgery without any problems and was in her room recovering when we last spoke with them.
* Update on W-stepson#3: He is still having moderate pain so we are keeping him out of school at least till Friday. There is no way he could concentrate on anything with his pain level right now.
* W-spouse and I ordered a new entertainment center from Sears. From all indications, it's huge. I measured the space where we are putting it and it nearly takes up the whole wall on that side of the room. We will be able to put everything behind doors so the grand kids won't be getting into trouble all the time playing with the stereo and receivers. It arrives on October 3rd.
* The building we purchased hasn't arrived yet. I called last week and the lady told me that it was nearly finished and should ship this week.
* I'm still pissed off about Kevin Harvick winning Saturday night. They just keep bringing it up on Sirius NASCAR radio. It is so obvious that they are pro Richard Childress Racing.
* Kurt Busch acted like a jerk to the press during the post race show on Saturday night, even going as far to throw a temper tantrum on stage. He apologized to both media members involved yesterday. I think he should give each of them half of his purse winnings for Saturday night. The interview is on YouTube. Watch it and you can see just how rude he was.
* The season series finale of Entourage was magnificent. I'm gonna miss Turtle and Drama.
* If I were to start running drugs, I would make dang sure that I obeyed all traffic laws so I didn't draw attention to myself.
* Why shackle him? Just shoot him.
* This picture went viral on Twitter. Trouble is, the person who posted it didn't take the picture.
* Trick up your IPhone here.
* This is starting to worry me.
* If you have 20 minutes and want to hear something great, go here and  download 9-11, 10 Years Later. You will be blessed.
* Thanks for hanging around today, see ya Around The Corner!

1 comment:

David said...

Thats why I live here Cuz the people have all come together with food and clothes for everybody in Magnolia. Hell you should've told the kid to call me and I could've came out and checked on him. It's 15 mins from me. Glad he made it home ok