Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, August 26, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It was very hot yesterday. I think yesterday was the worse day yet that I have worked in. Still no relief in sight.
* I was supposed to be off today, but once again, we are shorthanded and I'm working. I don't HAVE to, I GET to.
* Danica Patrick announced yesterday that she will be running a full Nationwide schedule for JR Motorsorts next year and running 8-12 Sprint Cup races for Stewart Haas, with the first race possibly being the Daytona 500. It is rumored that she will also still run the Indy 500 in open wheel next year.
* IMO, I think she will do well in Stock car racing. I can't wait to watch her race.
* Poor kid is scarred for life.
* Now this is a great way to kick off a marriage. Hey, let's go to jail!
* I'm interested in watching this interview with former President Bush Sunday night. I have it set to TIVO.
* I watched 3 hours (up way to late) of a mini series of the building of the new World Trade Center building and the museum being constructed. That will bring a tear to your eye.
* Football season kicks off tonight for us in Decatur playing Whitesboro here. Our son, Cole Selby 6'4" 220 pounds, wearing the #72 will start at right guard position on offense and at defensive end on defense. His best friend, Raymond "Ray Ray" Cortez 6'3" 295 pounds, wearing the #67 will start at left guard on offense and defensive end on defense. I'm excited for the team this year. They have a different mentality about them and they are all acting like they WANT to win, not just going through the motions. Cole has worked out EVERY day over the summer and is in his best physical condition ever, and can play both sides of the ball all night.
* It's time for Friday Night Lights!!!!
* Gotta run. Busy busy day, see ya Around The Corner!


ratherbesailin' said...

You should run a pool on when DP will win a NASCAR race.
I get first pick at Never!
However, her in car camera will get the most air time.

wspouse said...

Love me some football!
Live you

wspouse said...


Judy said...

I did not realized you crossed the Big Sandy!!! TRAITOR!! (jk) I graduated from Decatur and taught in Bridgeport. People gave me grief for years....
Well, good luck to the Eagles, your son and his friend. May they hit hard and run fast. :)

Jarhead™ said...

Good luck to your freakishly large and imposing son and the Eagles tonight. I know how you Wise County people love your football...

Anonymous said...

How I wish for 29! LOL! Mom

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Jar, just think what kind of goalie that kid would make. You probably could get him in your son's age group. I'm sure you could handle the fake birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

I love high school football. I cant wait for the game tonight. We are watching Chico tonight. So I wish your son the best of luck and that he stays safe but when it comes time to play Bport you wont be getting the same wish :) (...well you will still get the safe part)