Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, August 19, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Dang it's hot out there. Been busy out and about this morning and I'm already drenched.
* I was reading a response on another blog that I follow about the number of members and number of hits they receive and this poster made a great point. She said that she was happier knowing that she had a few devoted followers and commenters than having multiple members of her site that never commented.
* I put WAY to much thought into the number of commenters that I get. It's hard not to base the number of hits that I get against the master bogger over at LL though.
* SO, I went to 10 blogs and looked at 5 different blogs that they have linked off of their sites. The best I could tell, I average more than the 50 blogs that I looked at.
* So i guess my average is better so I need to not let that be an issue anymore.
* Again, I want to say thanks to those that take the time to comment on here.
* Mr Answers......Where are you? Is everything OK with the daughter? We won't be at church on Sunday, we are going to Austin for the In-Laws 50th Wedding Annv. party, so we hope that we don't miss a review of the trip. If so, you will have to catch me up next week.
* I am trying to get some relief out here today so that I can have at the very least, this evening off. I need to catch up on a few things before leaving tomorrow.
* That isn't working out so well right now.
* We are short handed at work this week.
* For those of you that seem to be confused, I'm not a roughneck. I do work in the Oil and Gas Industry, but I'm not a roughneck.
* I do drill "in" the wells. I "don't" DRILL the wells.
* I was asked about the welding trailer yesterday. It's finished other than painting the welder. I am trying to find a reasonably priced replacement hood before I paint it. I walked by it the other day and noticed that it has developed a leak in a hose though. It's a small hose, but it looks like one of those kind that might turn into a half a day job to replace it.
* I ordered the building. W-spouse won....12' x 24' was the final size we settled on. Tan metal with a darker tan roof and trim. I ordered extra windows in the ends and back.
* Y'all have a great weekend, see ya Around The Corner!


ratherbesailin' said...

Since you were late I had to look at LL's again and he said The Lake was on a pace to go down 2 feet/week.
Is he talking, " Ernie feet? " or true elevation?

Sherri said...

sometimes it's hard not to pay attention to the numbers... i know we all write for ourselves mostly, but it's also a nice to have readers and get some interaction going with others through comments and junk...

for me, the way i gauge how i'm doing is with the numbers.... i love comments but i know that not everyone will have something profound to say about my rambling lil posts, and often times they may not have the time or energy to do so... and that's okay...

a bread crumb every now and then keeps me going...

p.s. i think the shark tooth goes well with the pierce... :)

ratherbesailin' said...

Enough with the insecurity! Your blog is just right.
Let the sensation seekers go elsewhere.

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading your blog daily. I attended Central for a couple of months and would see you there but was too chicken to approach you! :)

aroundthecorner said...

NO, he means true elevation. I have the link over on the side. Word is, they are going to nearly double the output if this drought holds up much longer.

aroundthecorner said...

Chicken? Of me, sheez now I'm scary?

This will truly give me a complex!

Unknown said...

Didn't want to appear stalkerish. Having a restraining order issued against me wouldn't help my professional reputation! Thanks for the smile.

The Angry Squaw said...

Big bad mister Scary Corner booga booga booga!!! Hehehe

Hell Corner, I only have like 5 readers, so you will beat me in numbers everyday!!!

I dare say it's my potty mouth that keeps them away *sniffle* Ha!

Anonymous said...

I very seldom comment; but I read your blog every morning.

Mr Answers said...

Hey man, I just got back from Houston where I've been on business since Wednesday. You will never have the visitors that Green has because of your moral integrity. He worships the blog god. You worship the living God.

Teresa, please come back to Central.

Sarah is doing great. The only bad thing is I picked her up at 1:00 in the morning on Wednesday and had to leave at 10:00 in the morning on the same day to go to Houston.

W-B Law said...

I hope you keep the blog going, I know I haven't commented before but I enjoy reading it. It kind of keeps me up on what's happening at "home". And it's pretty damn good writing!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels this weekend and congrats to the in-laws!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels this weekend and congrats to the in-laws!

Anonymous said...

I love your Blog! I honestly read it everyday and only look at BG's if the Messenger hadn't posted breaking news about a recent event that has taken place.

Unknown said...

Sorry Mr. Answers. We're looking around for another church home which is such a shame since I truly believe Monty is very gifted and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop your blog. I enjoy reading your comments & truly like the way you express yourself. How did y'all win the storage building? Mo