Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, August 8, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It looks like we are going to break the record for consecutive days of 100 degree or more heat. This morning seemed hotter than the last few days before noon.
* It was a short weekend for W-spouse and I. We both worked on Saturday and was busy yesterday trying to catch up on everything that needed to be done.
* Saturday evening found us with some other football moms and dads at Sweety Pies for supper.
* We then made our way to Eagle stadium for the annual Meet The Eagles night and the Blue/White Scrimmage. Decatur looks good this year, but time will tell. W-stepson is in good shape this year. The only time he missed working out this summer is when the workout room was closed for a week.
* We had a chance to catch a movie yesterday. I have always been a fan of the Planet Of The Ape movies so, when the newest one opened on Friday, I wanted to see it. It was ok, maybe 3 1/2 stars. I thought it would be more about the apes taking over the planet. It was more about a love story between one chimpanzee and its owner. I was a little dissapointed. Although it is set up for a great sequel.
* From there we made our way to Mom and Harolds to pick up Madison. There was a group of cousins there filling out invitations(thanks girls) to the upcoming wedding shower. Papa didn't even have the TV on so I was in a hurry to get back home to watch the race.
* After leaving there we needed to get a few things at Walmart.........UGHHHHH
* Over an hour later we finally make it home to watch the race and play with Madison. I turn on the tv to find out that the race is under a rain delay so I got to catch up on TIVO then got to finish watching it live. Brad Keselowski won the race with Kyle Busch following in a close second. Tony Stewart finished in 11th place. There was drama between Jimmy Johnson and Kurt Busch. JJ has this "I have won 5 championships, so you need to get out of my way" attitude and Kurt Busch wasn't giving in to it and pissed JJ off. After the race ESPN had cameras in both of their faces when they climbed out of the cars so, just a lot of griping went on. It would have been nice to see Kurt B slap JJ up side his head.
* The Nationwide series race Saturday night from Iowa was great. Ricky Stenhouse Jr blowed an engine 200' from the finish line and his team mate Carl Edwards was following him in second place and couldn't avoid hitting him from behind and pushed him across the finish line for the win.  Both had been at each others throats all night arguing about track position. Carl Edwards is another one that thinks everyone should just pull over and let him by.
* After the race was over, Ava Grace showed up for a while and her and Madison played together till Madis mom and dad showed up to take her home. We got some great pictures of the two girls playing together and laughing.
* By the time Ava G left we watched True Blood and went to bed.
* Where did the weekend go?
* Had two people tell me that they read my blog this weekend and one sent word through W-spouse. I always enjoy when someone tells me that they read my blog. I don't have a clue what is interesting about it, but I enjoy knowing that you do. Thanks.
* If it all works out like it should, I get to sit in the AC for the remainder of the day.
* Stay cool, see ya Around The Corner!


wspouse said...

I agree, the weekend was too short, but a weekend with football and family makes me a happy girl!
Live ya, stay cool!

Anonymous said...

Your just jealous of JJ as he has forgotten more about winning than your boy KB will ever know.

Anonymous said...

Glad you W got to be with the babies & didn't melt in the heat. Always enjoy reading your blog. Mo

Shayne said...

We, the spouse and I, read your blog EVERY day!! Keeps me in touch with the goings on in Texas, considering I no longer live there. :(
Beginning to get things started for the wedding flowers, etc. Hope all turns out well. I have some really good ideas and looking forward seeing them in action. Love you!

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

While I missed seeing you guys this weekend, I'm glad you had a good time.

chichi said...

I always read your blog and glad nothing serious was wrong son. Have a great week.

Kathleen... said...

Blogging is an interesting experience, isn't it? :)

We LOVED the 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes!!' The TV screenshot was brilliantly fun, the ethical quandary left me pondering and you're right -- great set up for a prequel sequel! :). <--- we had a very fun circle jerk discussion about remakes, sequels, etc on the way home. That TV cameo left the kids