Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's only 10 am and I am showing 100 degrees already. Yesterday was very bad between 2 and 6pm if you had to be out in the sun very long.
* Tiffany, looks like someone has found her in Ohio.
* If that is her and she is in Ohio, she better find another hiding spot because some nut job will try to kill her. She better move to Antartica.
* Stepson #3 got his new tires and wheels for the Dodge yesterday. It looks really good. I'm sure it upped his chances to grab a girlfriend! Not that he didn't need anymore help with that.

* Actually his new newest girlfriend rode over there with him to have the wheels and tires installed.
* He also paid for more than half of the cost of them himself by working this summer and paid for his own sound system.We were proud of him for doing so.
* When I was a senior I had a 72 Ford F 150  long wheel base pickup with stock wheels. White Spoked wheels were what all my friends had on their trucks and I always wanted some but never could afford it.
* I never had a great sound system either, but I had one that sounded good enough. Again, couldn't afford it back then.
* I can afford it now.......So I have both. It all comes standard with the best truck ever made.

My 2011 Ford F 350

* Don't be hatin. I know you wish you had one.
* If you don't mind helping me out here a little. I am trying to persuade W-spouse in to purchasing me one of these to pull behind it for Christmas. She aint going for it.

* Personally I think they would look good going down the road together.
* Hey it's just $111,000 for the model with all the bells and whistles.
* ATTENTION MOTHER: THAT WAS A JOKE. I'm not spending that kind of money on a boat so don't have a heart attack.
* My mother tends to worry about me a lot.
* I have probably given her good reason to in the past.
* I haven't had time to Twitter lately. When I looked yesterday I was 11 days behind in posts.
* Have a great Thursday, see ya Around The Corner!


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

I met your mother and told her that she had my deepest sympathy as I realized she had endured a hard life.

Jarhead™ said...

You sound like me with all this big-timing you're doing. Boats and big-ass trucks with fancy-schmancy thermometers and lakehouses...

Come visit us some day when you want to see how the simple folk live...

aroundthecorner said...

I plan on it, when the lake comes back up or you get the pool up and running.
Or when you invite me and buy all the beer!

txtrigger said...

aren't you loving having a BLACK truck in this heat....

aroundthecorner said...

JJ, it's not black on the inside :-)

Shayne said...

Ok so, W-Brother is laughing at W-Sister since she bought a new car with black interior. I moved to Iowa, it is not supposed to be this hot here!!

Isn't it fun to be able to get the things we want now that we have paid our dues?

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Answers, thank you for the sympathy! I do worry a lot.

David said...

Hey Cuz
I bet none of those other trucks could pull a bath tub behind it down a dirt road like your ford could. LOL

ratherbesailin' said...

You could carry more friends on " The Big Ugly" than on that chrome monster.

Shayne said...

Hey David, I thought you were never going to mention that bathtub incident again. Isn't that what y'all agreed to at the time? Just like the hay buggy incident where W-Sister (that would be me, just in case you forgot), was thrown through the front, which remember had no front end and no doors and put a 5 inch gash down my side. I still look at that scar and laugh my butt off at times.