Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, August 1, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's going to be the hottest week so far this year. Highs in our area around 110-114 projected, with the heat index reaching even higher.
* I was off on Saturday and Sunday. It was a much needed break.
* W-spouse and I had a quiet breakfast together on Saturday and a loud dinner at GoGo Gumbo. We went to Academy in between and purchased cleats, Under Armor and padding for stepson #3.
* 2-a-days begin this morning, and of course, football is once again all the rave at our house. Everything we plan revolves around football games and practices.
* Those kids that have been inside playing video games and watching TV all summer are going to have problems during 2-a-days. We've tried to acclimate our son to the heat somewhat. The coaches need to make sure they stay hydrated.
* The guys on our crew and I have been going through a couple of cases of water a day and 25-30 bottles of Gatorade a day. I can only imagine what it would take to keep a whole football team hydrated.
* W-spouse is back working in surgery this morning. She is going to start working their again a couple of days a week. My guess is that she will be back full time in surgery by the end of August. Being in an office all day is not what she wants to do. She likes the hands on and more challenging job of an OR Circulator.
* Paul Menard won the Brickyard 400 yesterday at Indy. He grew up at that track and his father has sponsored many cars in many races there and finally got his first win. It was great watching him run off from Gordon and cross the line 10 car lengths ahead of him. Gordon stated after the race that he couldn't catch him even if there would have been 2 more laps, unless PM would have ran out of fuel.
* Sirius NASCAR radio is breaking news(unconfirmed) that Carl Edwards is going to Joe Gibbs Racing next year and will probably be driving the #20 car currently driven by Joey Logano. No word on where JL is headed. They are saying it will be announced at Atlanta in a month. Is it chance that Home Depots headquarters is based in Atlanta? The #20 is currently sponsored by Home Depot.
* If the story is true, he (Carl Edwards) all but has shut himself out of the Chase this year. There is now way the team he has now will give him the commitment that it takes to win the Chase.
* This could be a possible scenario: Carl Edwards to Joe Gibbs, Kasey Kahne going to Hendrick, Mark Martin going to Rousch and Joey Lagano going to Red Bull ???? Opinions??
* Kyle Busch has taken a few weeks off from NCWTS and from the NNWS. Could it be that Joe Gibbs told him to concentrate on the Sprint Cup Chase, instead of these other series?
* Our second team of missionaries left yesterday for Nigeria. We saw pictures and heard from the missionaries in Indonesia yesterday morning at church. Please keep these teams in your prayers in the future while they are abroad sharing the word.
* It's time to get out and get my tan on, see ya Around The Corner!


ratherbesailin' said...

Finally, your blog. When you blog late I have to go over to LL's and you know what that means.

Anonymous said...

How did your future HOF driver do this weekend? I am sure he is priming it up to crash and burn during the chase like he always does. But hey he is the bees knees in all of those kiddie leagues ain't he?

Anonymous said...

Joey Logano is too good for that crappy red bull team. An elite team will pick him up.

Sherri said...

ahh football...

i am once again a lonely football widow... starting today...

now i can get my drawing on! and reading! and all that stuff i love doing in the quiet of the home, maybe with a bit of music going too...


stay cool and hydrated my friend!

Anonymous said...

Logano will sign with Stewart/Haas as they are adding a third team.

aroundthecorner said...

I agree with that possibility, but the rumor mill is that Tony is waiting for Danica to make up her mind if she is going full time.
Tony has all but said that in an off air interview that I watched on Youtube. I wil try and find it and post it.
I agree, Joey is ready now. Danica needs a few years in Nationwide or at least one to be ready for Sprint Cup.....IMO

Anonymous said...

Danica is a waste of space...Never will win in Nascar.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

What would you think about a guy that professes friendship but when confronted with being a little late to watch NASCAR, would yell out the window to his spouse who was talking to said supposed friend after church in the church's parking lot to get the supposed friend's phone number to continue their conversation?

It's NASCAR not basketball! Settle down Spunky or Funky whichever applies at the moment.

Anonymous said... obviously need to drink the NASCAR kool aid. Serve him up a sip Wendel.