Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Home From The Races

* Camp was quiet so I woke up early and went back to sleep. W-spouse made coffee for the masses today. I just laid in bed and rested. No, I didn't feel bad or have a hangover. Just slept in for a change.
* I don't drink too much anymore. I hate that feeling the next day. I hate waking up and not knowing which train ran over me, so I don't do it like I used too. Diabetes will make you rethink your priorities also. One of the guys last night kept bringing me beer. I kept pouring it out. Over and over and over. I think he finaly realized what I was doing and gave up. Of course he was drinking....a lot.
* When I got up, all the friends that had a long haul today were breaking camp so I jumped in and we got the tents packed up, all the accesories, tables, chairs were loader and put away. I cleaned out the firebox on the pit and loaded it with wood that was leftover.
* W-spouse worked on getting the camper ready for moving and then we readied it for the road. I hooked up to the camper and she hooked up to the pit. We paid to have the tanks emptied instead of waiting in a line that stretched for a half a mile. We were on the raod by 11am.
* We left a few of the others behind. They had not made up their mind if they were going to camp another night or not.
* We have already cleaned everything up, have clothes washing and taken the camper home and the cooker back to Bridgeport.
* Race reflections: It is my opinion that the races were boring. I can't put my finger on why really other than the track was cool and they just got all spread out and made it boring. Competition was non-existent. I think Kyle Busch had the only car that could keep up with Carl Edwards on Friday night and he got crashed early on. Matt Kenseth and David Regan had two fast cars Saturday night and basically ran out front with no one giving them a run for their money. My driver (Tony Stewart) took a late pit stop and got penalized for entering the pits to fast. His crew chief told him not to worry about it because he had plenty of fuel to finsh and that no one else did. That failed and he ended up running out of fuel and finishing 12th. Very few of the cars were even damaged on the track, but more than a few had incidents in the pits that caused damage.
* Camping reflections: We had a great time with friends, co-workers and the usual "walk up and say hi and hang around" types of people. The music was enjoyed by many. Other than the "Great Chicken Debacle", the food was wonderful. The briskets that I had put on the pit Saturday morning turned out great. I left the race early and went back to camp so that I could have them sliced and ready for the group when they returned. I'm not sure if it was just that good or everyone was intoxicated, but everyone was making over like it was the best thing that had ever eaten. W-spouse said it was too spicy for her. The wind blew hard all weekend. We never even put our awnings out all weekend because of the wind.
* Thanks Mom and Harold for the use of the camper.
* Sorry I haven't responded to all the comments, my wifi hotspot quit on Friday and I just now got it back online.
* We might have time for a nap now......Thanks for checking in!

EDIT: Jeffro, Saturday night was a classic Kevin Harvick move. Further proving my point just how big of a jerk he is. First guy checks up. Second guy(Truex) checks up to keep from hitting the first guy. Kevin drives down into his left rear bumper and spins him out wrecking 3 cars and drives right through it all. Then later he is hailed as a hero for his great driving and remaining "calm in the storm". I nearly upchucked when I heard that. I was up in the speedway club when it happened and was furious and even said so. Everyone was giving me crap about it. To add insult to injury, I wake up this morning and there is a Kevin Harvick Budweiser sticker on the bumper of my pickup.
Kevin Harvick may have just taken the top spot on my list of most hated drivers!


Sherri said...

sounds as though you guys had a great time... the wind is unreal isn't it?

i can't believe you guys have already cleaned up, washed up, put up everything! i'm the worst about that...when i get home from a trip i just want to lay there... wiped out... i look at all the work to be done and say eh, tomorrow... ha!

each time you refer to "mom and harold" i smile... such coincidences in life!

rest well!

ratherbesailin' said...

I bet Jeff. Gordon is relieved to be down a slot on your hate list. I heard his sigh of relief way down here.
I was pulling for ' Smoke'.

RPM said...

Really sorry I didn't make it by. This was one of the craziest weekends I've spent down there. With the upped security and police I was afraid to take my truck over there and it was definitely too far for my fat butt to walk.

Anonymous said...

After a storm comes a calm.