Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, April 15, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Temperature at a cool 55 degrees this morning with a North wind blowing. Winds could gust to 45 mph today. We didn't get any rain in Decatur to speak of.
* We will be rigging down and moving today and we don't need this wind hampering our efforts after the fiasco on Monday.
* I hope you read the post below. Mom and Harold got a kick out of it when they came in from the lakehouse and checked out things. Papa Harold isn't quite the monster I made him out to be, if fact he is just the opposite, except maybe for the minnow part.
* W-spouse is taking the grandbabies and their mothers to a Bluebonnet field in the morning for pictures. I have to work, but I'm sure they will carry on without me. I still wanted to go and may have to pout about it for a while.
* The sun is breaking over the horizon where I am at right now, and it is a spectacular site to behold.
* My dad called me the other day and we caught up on the latest happenings in their part of the world. As much as I love the Deep East Texas Piney Woods, I wouldn't want to live there again. This is where I call home and always will be.
* I would love to live in the Hill Country, but don't think I could afford the lifestyle that goes along with it.
* W-stepson #3 bought me a movie last night about the history of NASCAR. I'm going to watch it if I get a chance today. It made my heart feel good knowing that he was thinking about me. When I was 17 years old, all I thought about was girls, running the roads, girls, eating, girls, girls, girls, sleeping, girls, girls and sometimes I thought about girls.
* Redemption series starts here.  More on Monday.
* Say a prayer for this family.  This is tragedy beyond our comprehension, well at least for me. I will never understand how he could do that to his children, or for her to do this.
* Oh really? It took you how long to figure this out?
* My grandmother will be rolling over in her grave.  She watched the "World Turns" as she called it, and All my Children faithfully.
* I had a great great uncle that would come in from the field everyday at noon to watch his soaps. He would just shut down whatever he was doing, come home for lunch and watch TV. Then he would go back out in the fields. I wasn't around back then, but that's the story I have been told.
* I have also been told stories of walking uphill to school 5 miles, in the snow, barefooted. Then back home uphill, barefooted and in the snow.
* Did you know that my grandfather on my mothers side of the family could throw a cane pole with a frog gig attached to the end of it like a skilled indian marksman? My cousin down south that wears a badge and carries a gun knows all to well our grandfathers ability. Seems he was being a smarta** one day and Papa had had enough and when cuz takes off running, Papa picks up the cane pole, with frog gig attatched, and lets it sail. It made contact right below the right ankle sending him tripping flat out. Of course I didn't catch it on the cell camera or video because such things were not heard of back then, but I did giggle.
* My cousin and I used to get into all sorts of trouble when we would come and stay up here during the summers. He usually got into trouble and I usually  got out of it. Papa would head out for work every morning and leave us a list of things to be done like watering the garden, hoeing the garden and slopping the hogs. I would get my chores done as soon as I could, cuz....he would wait till the last minute, with me normally jumping in to help him so we could go head out for more adventures.
* Have a great weekend, and remember, You DON'T have too, you GET too! See ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

Don't forget besides walking to school in the snow, uphill both ways, carrying a syrup bucket with a biscuit for lunch.

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

You had syrup?

Anonymous said...

Loved the story about Dorothy & Harold. He was lucky he only had to spend one night on the porch. I called W this a.m. to check that neither K or C were assigned to wild fires areas. Fires so terrible & I have friends that have already had ranch, homes & land destroyed by the fires around Possum Kingdom, Rotan, etc. Mo