Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* The wind just blows and blows. Temps in the 70s now rising into the upper 80s by sundown.
* We had to make a Walmart run yesterday and had lunch at Christinas mexican food. That was great food. The salsa was so good we brought chips and a gallon of salsa back with us.
* I will assist with preparing eggs, sausage and potatoes soon.
* The evening meal was Fajitas and sausage prepare by the boss. I got delegated to do other things. We will empty a cooler today of chickens, sausage, brisket and steaks.
* W-sister is stopping by for lunch today. She will be leaving for Ft Mdison Iowa in the next few days. Honestly, I'm proud for B-law and his promotion, I just wish it wasn't so far away. She text me yesterday and said she is bringing salad and dessert. Mmmmmmmmm
* Jar, I read your comment aloud to everyone yesterday and it had everyone rolling with laughter.
* Sounds like RPM had a mouse/electrical problem with his motor home over at the South 40. He did the right thing by just giving up on it and drinking a beer. He will probably wake up this morning and fix things pronto with a clear head :-)
* W-spouse and I turned in about midnight. The stereo was still blaring way after that. I ought to go turn it back on right now(7am). That wouldn't be nice.
* I just looked outside and it looks like an airplane flew over and dropped lots of beer cans on the camp. A beer can bomb, had to be. That's my explanation.
* One of our friends has a golf cart and I went riding with them last night around the camp grounds and we made multiple laps around the parade route. Stripper poles, lights and loud music are very popular over in that area. Mardi Gras beads are populat also. I still haven't figured out why they wouldn't give me any.
* You wouldn't have wanted your kids to see some of what we saw. Wait, those were kids. The location of the parade route in relation to I 35 makes it accessible to a young crowd that shows up from around the Metromess. They don't come to the races, or even camp. They just drive up and park, get out and start partying.
* To get in to our campground you have to have a windshield sticker which eliminates most of those activities thereby keeping those issues far away from us. There were 20-25 people here last night coming in and out of our camp. Over at the parade route, some of those camps were surrounded by 400 people. I'm glad we are over here.
* It's time to start breakfast, see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

Dude, you gotta show your Moobs [man boobs] to get da beadz!

chele said...

My son is a can collecting fool!!!! Anytime we go to a party and people throw cans in the regular trash he goes nuts!!! Maybe I should bring him by to clean up the can bomb debris!!!!

RPM said...

We had a lively crowd last night. I was surprised to find a band playing on a Thursday. I was also surprised to see FWPD cruising the campground. They've never patrolled over here before.

My mini won't be here until this afternoon so I'm stranded afoot till it arrives.

Sherri said...

you only get beads for showing your junk....

Kathleen... said...

Stripper poles???