Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* 6am in camp, I am the only person stirring. W-spouse and I went to bed at a reasonable hour. Someone was knocking on the door at 1am trying to get us awake, they failed.
* The last of our camping members showed up around midnight. I heard the bus pull in, but I was to tired to get up and say hello.
* There are five RVs in our campground this year. We have eight camping spots, all in a square and it's a huge area to entertain customers and guests. Today we set up the company tent and tables.
* I cooked two racks of pork ribs, six pounds of sausage, and six large New York strip steaks yesterday. I cut the steaks up into bite size pieces. W-spouse warmed up bake beans and potato salad. A wonderful feast for us and the neighbors.
* I love to cook on our company smoker. It's easy to use, has plenty of room and the temperature is very manageable even in the high winds we had yesterday.
* I will start another fire in it in a couple of hours in anticipation for our noon and evening meals. There are three coolers filled with many different types of meat.
* W-spouse laid out some frozen shrimp to thaw before dark. We finally remembered about it and some of us nibbled on them later. They had definitely thawed.
* Our company president came in about dark and we got him backed in and set up. After visiting for a while he went over to let the dogs out and one of them decides to go chasing wild women. We all went searching around for him. Now can't you just picture me walking up and down through all these campgrounds hollering "Moofasa", "here Moofasa", "come Moofasa". I finally spotted him and he took off like a bullet. I took off more like a fat bald guy, fueled by New York Strip, sausage and pork ribs and a few cold beverages. It was like gravity had this overwhelming desire to grab me by the seat of my overalls, and not let go. I grabbed my IPhone and called the Prez and as he was making his way toward me, he spotted the little turd and corralled him. I'm wondering if I might have looked out of place wandering around out here last night yelling "MOOFASA"? By the way, that's a name given to one of the lions in the movie Lion King. I hope I don't get too many funny looks this morning.
* RPM, I hate it when they change sponsors on us. You have to start all over with the flags again. We have a Home Depot #14 flag flying along with our new ones. I refuse to throw it out. Hope to see you tonight. BTW, our neighbor is over there by you. I saw his camper on my way in yesterday morning.
* I had 4 tickets given to me. 2 for the Friday night race and 2 for Saturday night. I gave them to one of my co-workers that has been extremely helpful to me this past year. His wife is with child so he has an automatic designated driver. Have fun my friend.
* It's time to make coffee and get some breakfast going. More pics and updates as they happen.
* I think I just saw a little black dog running down between the campers. Here we go again.......Moofasa, come Moofasa.
* Smile today, see ya Around The Corner!


Kathleen... said...

That made me laugh! "Moofasa! Moofasa!" lol

Jarhead™ said...

After visiting for a while he went over to let the dogs out and one of them decides to go chasing wild women.

Who let the dogs out?


Whowhowho who?

JJ said...

Jar, you are too funny!! Who cannot laugh at that. I can just see W running around calling out "Moofa, Moofasa". Glad it wasn't "Archie, Archie", or Archie would never come out of the trailer again!!! :)

Shayne said...

Oops, I was logged in under the hubby's account. Those comments were from W-Sister.

Sherri said...

oh the food!
and the antics!
and the dog chasing!
you've made me very hungry this morning Mr. Corner... thanks :)