Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friends And No Friends

I began this post a few weeks ago just to get some thoughts out that had been stirring around in my brain for a few days/months/years. Sometimes I just write a long letter and never send it to the person, or post it on here for various reasons. Sometimes there is no reason other than just wanting to vent and no place to vent it. W-spouse and I have a wonderful relationship in as much as we can communicate lots of things to each other. Where we run into problems is when I don't listen to her thoughtful and much more rational ideas.Then we tend to run into a wall. As much as I hate to admit it, especially in a public forum, most of the time her way of thinking is far more intellectual than mine. I can vent to her at any time, but, I don't always like her advice. On this particular topic she has given me much advice. We have talked many hours about it and she has given me the courage to move forward. She has been an inspiration in many posts on this blog, sometimes unknowingly. Her thoughts and antics have produced more than a few funny posts. Before I begin I want to say "Thank You Whitney" for being by my side and for struggling daily with my insecurities in this matter. I love you!

Oh where to begin? Go back in time 5-20 years or so. I lived in another town not to far away. I was married with two small children. I was an active member of the local Volunteer Fire Department and participated in any capacity that surrounded it. I was involved with my childrens activities, but not as much as I should have. That's another story for another time though. I spent many hours riding with the local Police on the weekends. I also would fish and hunt whenever I got the chance. Our family would spend any chance we could at the lake skiing, fishing and swimming with all our lake friends. I worked full time at a rock crusher, and later on drilling Rat Holes and made many friends there also. I worked small jobs on the side sometimes helping others build things from small fencing jobs to large boat docks. I would help friends with cattle sometimes, which I enjoyed very much, tagging, sorting and giving them shots as needed. I bought a motorcycle in the later years and some of my friends also had motorcycles and we would ride anytime we could, going to many motorcycle rallies and other events. Sometimes just riding on a Sunday to lunch somewhere and back. We would have an annual New Years party at our house that was attended by many friends for nearly ten years in a row. After the annual local Rodeo, we would all come to my house and have a party that lasted into the morning every year. When the Dallas Cowboys would play, it would not be out of the norm for there to be ten people over watching the game. My cousin from Houston would drive or fly up nearly every weekend to watch the games with us. During the Cowboys winning seasons of the 90s, another one of my cousins would come in from college, usually dragging along a few girls with him to spend Saturday nights and watch the game on Sunday. During my first marriage, my brother-in-law and I had become very close. He was one of my closest friends, someone I could share anything with. Him and I spent countless hours in the woods together chasing that elusive Whitetail buck and many more hours trying to catch more Crappie than anyone else on the lake.

As you can tell I never lacked for friends. I never lacked for friendship. There was always someone to talk too, someone to work with, someone to ride with, someone to play with, someone to hunt and fish with, someone to party with. I could pick up the phone always find someone to hang out with or to come over to my house and hang out. Without fail, there was always someone to go ride on the bikes with at the drop of a hat. Very few moments were spent without me being with friends.

Websters define friends as follows:
1. One attached to another by affection or esteem.
2. One that is not hostile.
3. One that is the same nation, party or group.
4. A favored companion.
Websters define friendship as follows:
1. The state of being friends.
2. The quality or state of being friendly. Friendliness.

I was attached to many of my friends. I was so attached to my friends that I sometimes lacked being a good father and husband. I always wanted them to like me, and say good things about me to others. I needed their approval and valued their opinons of me. I held many of them in high esteem. I could only hope that I could develop the work ethic that some of my friends had, and for others it was their enthusiasm for many hours of volunteer work, and others their financial wisdom through hard work that made them secure. Some of my friends were much older and some many years younger, both of which I respected the generations in which they were raised and tried to fit in within that group when I was with them. Very few times were there any hostile moments, most of which was an understanding that when you came to my house, there was to be no fighting, or arguing. We had our disagreements, but to the best of my memory, never a hostile environment. When everyone was around me, whether at our home, a deer camp, or at the lake, we all felt like we were one family or party. No one felt alone or out of place. Our group rides were very theraputic for us all, a time to get away and relax. A favored companion. I must say without a doubt in my mind that during those years, my brother-in-law was a favored companion. Never a day went by that we didn't see each other or work together or call each other. I say this only because the cousin that I speak so highly of lived in Houston and couldn't be here with me all the time, every day. If he would have lived here, or me there, I have no doubt that we could have bonded in an inseperable way. My other younger cousin got married and moved to the big city and we never got to see much of each other. In order, brother-in-law, cousin in Houston and younger cousin, those were the favorites. I had a special bond with a much older friend that I could write another chapter on whose friendship I respect and admire to this day. His wisdom and knowledge in farming and cattle far surpasses any one person that I ever worked with. His strength and endurance had me panting at the end of many a day riding a tractor or clearing brush in a field. So many times I would get off work and go find him in the field and we would spend the evening working while the sun went  down. A favored companion he was also.

I find myself questioning my friendship to these people now. After a divorce things change. People change. relationships change. Friends change. Some say they don't, but they do. I did. Read that last line again, I DID. I changed. I remarried. I moved to another town. My priorities changed. I wasn't readily available. The brother-in-law that I once had a cherished relationship with became my enemy for a few years. We talk now and visit when we see each other and still set around and have a few drinks and remember old times, but we are no longer in a friendship. My younger cousin got married, divorced and remarried and started a family. We no longer are together like we once were and our friendship became strained due to lack of effort on my part and his. The many friends that I rode motorcycles with came around less and less. The calls to go meet somewhere finally just faded away. At the lake where my ex-wifes family and our families once played together every weekend and now the tension was so high it was unbearable by many and we just quit hanging out together. The quality time that we once shared was now blasted into space by the divorce. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that my divorce was the sole reason that I don't have the same friends now, but there were members of her family that I was very close with and it's never the same. I do feel that because I have changed and they have changed, our friendship has become distant. My friendship with my cousin in Houston remains unchanged and due to our brotherly like relationship, I hope that it never does.

As time moves on I find myself making new friends with every passing day. I have made new friends where I work, where I play, and at church just like I did back then. I think back to the parties, the group rides, some of the lake times and I feel like I was the glue. Sometimes I wonder if I was the center hub. I sometimes wonder if I managed, by my nature and personality, to create the friendships and bonds that I grew to love. That may just be an egotistical way of thinking, sounding somewhat wrapped up in the thought that would there have been as much fun if I hadn't have been there? I'm sure those friends would have had just much fun without me being there. I'm sure they have made new friends also. I can't help but wonder if they miss me. If they miss the days at the lake, the days in the fields, the days and nights working together. The many parties and get togethers, football games and so on.  I know I do. I will never ever regret making the decisions that I have and the choices that I did that have gotten me to this stage in my life. I love my new friends and feel those same special bonds that I did then. It will take years to rebuild that structure and stability that comes from a friendship like I shared with others back then.  I have always been the type of person that needs friends around and people around. I don't like to eat alone, play alone, fish or hunt alone or go to the lake alone. I continually make new friends. I just hope that I can learn from my past mistakes and become as good a friend to others as they have been to me in the past. I also hope and pray that I can contribute to the relationship as many rewards as I have recieved over the years.



Kathleen... said...

Bless your heart, I don't know why you have any insecurities regarding sharing things -- you're so frank and honest! It's refreshing, nice to read and admirable. With regards to you & W Spouse, it's so obvious how loving and complementary the two of you are in your friendship and marriage. The rest of us always see it....=)

And I agree on Friendships. It's usually contextual to Who you are at the time. I had some of the best of friends as a single woman....and now? I do remain very close with one (she & I almost grew up together), while others have faded or disappeared. Same with newly married friends vs. now friends. Things change, courses divert, and then there's the big D. I still marvel how a complete break occurred when a close friend & his (closer) wife (whom I'd set up w/him) divorced. Even though I can recall "old times" when I see him at the occasional social event or see his picture in our family albums, there's an insurmountable wall of "no longer." It's kinda sad. Perhaps that's where Webster's 3rd definition of "friend" comes into play?

One thing I know for sure, via the aging process & experience, is that Friends are incredibly valuable in life. Any time I feel down, I do mental count of what's great to get positive about....I'm always astonished by the very true, tangible QUALITY of people that I envision surrounding me as Friends. I'm a lucky Duck!

And I'm lucky to call you & W-Spouse two of those wonderful Friends. Perhaps you are a glue of sorts in many of your ours, I do see you as a foundation of trusty-rusty, kind and enveloping. I'd bet a lot of our shared Friends would say the same!

Terrific reflection post; it'll be on my mind for quite awhile.....=)

Sherri said...

wow...okay... i have to tell you that from what you have written here, and on many other posts that you seem to be the glue... i am so sorry that through the course of events you lost some of your close friends... someone sent me a post this morning after writing about my talks of people coming and going, seasons & reasons... and it all makes so much sense. i'm going to send it to you tonite when i get home from work...

you are a very lucky man to have whitney and your kids... and i can tell that the two of you are such kind and compassionate people. and you are right when you say it takes years to rebuild that type of bond again...

no regrets my friend! the experiences adn friendships you've had have made you into the man you are today.... no regrets ever!

janneba said...


Anonymous said...

Life changes everything and everyone.

Anonymous said...

W, I am continually amazed to learn what is going on in your head and the way you express yourself. Families and friendships develop, grow closer, grow distant and sometimes part as a natural rhythm of life. There is a quote that "some people come into your life for a reason or a season, some stay and others go on their way." I just sang Happy Birthday to my friend of 37 years, who has lived out of state for 6 years, who is 14 years older and someone I consider wise, funny, loyal, truthful, and hold in the highest esteem. My friend from the 5th grade is still part of my life and knew my parents and knows my children. I consider my friendships as one of the mainstays of my life.
I am so happy that you married Whitney and that I have the opportunity to get to really know you through your blog. I appreciate you for the person you are, love that you love Whitney, and feel privileged that you are part of our family. Mo

Sherri said...

When someone is in your life for a REASON .....

It is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

They may seen like a God send ~ and they are. They are there for the REASON you need them to be ... then, without warning, any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, they will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.

Sometimes they die, sometimes they walk away, sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What you must realize is that your need has been met, your desire fulfilled, and their work is done. The prayer you sent up has
been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON .....

It is because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.

Believe it! It is real! But ... only for a SEASON.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons .....

Those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to good use in all other relationships and areas of your life.


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

While I enjoy doing some things by myself, I had a best friend that had your personality. Both of you enjoy being with people. The old say is to have a friend, you must be a friend.

I think friendship requires a certain amount of energy to sustain it and usually one side contributes just a little more energy than the other one. I think that you probably supply that little extra energy to keep the friendship going. I don't think that this is something that you consciously do, it's just who you are.

When life changed your circumstances, you changed your focus. Your friends couldn't replace that loss of energy to keep the friendship going because they weren't capable of it.

I suspect that they too, miss the old times from time to time. They just can't do anything about it. Also, I think that you bless anyone whose life you touch.

Anonymous said...

Change, it is something that we all experience..I am so glad you wrote this, it really helps to know everyone experiences these type of things..I always wonder if there is anything wrong with me, and is I repel people..To be so close at one point in your life, and be like strangers the next, it is heartbreaking..But I know that God has a plan, and he is bringing the right people and right friendships into our lives..Thanks for sharing..

David said...

Hey Bro you have always been the glue that holds together these relationships. I love coming to see you because I spend my whole time hanging out with my Brother not my Cousin. You and I were raised to be Brothers and there will never be a time that I want be by your side.
I Love Ya Bro and am proud to call you friend,family,and the best friend I've ever had. You once told me that everybody liked being around me and when you said that it surprised me. This whole time we've been hanging with each other I thought you knew it was you that everybody liked and I was only there because of you.
I dont know if you'll get this and I know it's a little sappy but I dont really care. When I woke up in that Hospital room and saw you and Wspouse I almost lost it. At first because of the good drugs I was on I had to actually make sure you were real(since I had a confersation with Hal a few minutes earlier).
To all of your regulars I say this...You'll never find a more true loyal friend than W. I know I'm bias but remember I've know him for 48 years so my opinion has merit. This man will do anything for you if you are a friend or just someone in need,BUT REMEMBER I'm the Cousin who is the cop in Houston and if anybody ever hurts Him then they WILL get to meet me.....Just Saying....LOL

Again Brother Yawl will never know what it meant to see ya

to take your line...I'll see ya Around the corner...

love ya,
the law from the south aka Homer aka Houston Cuz