Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Question Of The Day

*** Edit ***
After reading back over my own question this morning and after getting the first comment I could understand why everyone would think that I was against this guy getting a second chance, or anyone else for that matter. I am not. I left it as it was just to see what would transpire. I used a bad example of what I was really shooting for. My intent was much broader than just this incident. So with that in mind, I ask again.
Have we become a nation of second chances?

I'm sure by now that you have all seen the viral video of the homeless man that has the very deep radio voice that has went around this week. Along with his appearance on some morning news shows. News is reporting that he now has a job doing voice over work. I didn't catch where or exactly what he was doing, but that isn't the point here.
Is this the right message to be sending our younger generation. Hey, don't go to school. Don't go to college to learn radio or voice over work. If you have a good voice, just quit school, get on drugs, and start drinking, and become homeless. Get your buddy to make a YouTube video of you and post it. Next thing you know, you got a job.

Have we become a nation of second chances? Opinions please!


The Angry Squaw said...

You know, I feel very strongly on both ends of this argument. On one hand, I can see where people that work hard every day and never seem to 'catch a break' would be po'd at this guy, or at his apparent luck, but on the other hand, I cannot pass up the opportunity to see miracles everywhere around us. I don't want to ever have such a pessimistic outlook on the world, that I would begrudge anyone their own miracle in their life.

Now, the real test is, to see what he DOES with his opportunity. Not being ugly here, but there IS a reason he was on the streets, and that reason will be harder to overcome than a job offer and a couple of tv appearances.

Good luck to the man.

Jarhead™ said...

Most of us have no idea what it's like to be homeless. I have seen what it can do to a successful, college educated man firsthand and it's not pretty. Alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases that make you do things you would never otherwise do.

I say if a second chance can help this guy atone for past wrongs, then more power to him.

If he squanders the chance by causing more hurt and pain, then he deserves whatever he gets.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

I certainly don't see this as encouragement to drop out of school, get on drugs....etc.

And I must say.....are you kidding? 2nd chances? Have you NEVER been given a second chance at anything? I am an educator and don't believe it's the "2nd chances" that are screwing up our society! I thinks it's the 3rd, 4th, 5th adn so on....chances that are doing that! While I strive to do my job "perfectly" (and as much as it pains me to say/admit this), that rarely happens! Does that mean a second chance makes me a loser? I hardly think so!

The problem is those who think they have entitlement to multiple "do-overs", and still REFUSE to change the way they do things. As I tell my students: The only BAD mistake is one where you didn't learn something! Sometimes mistakes can be the best teacher we have.

I am quite sure there is a WHOLE LOT more to this homeless man's story than we know.

Am I all about giving people a free ride....ABSOLUTELY NOT! Am I all about a person being willing to change what they do and try again? YES!

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Do you want me to shop for an army helmet for you? Lookout, incoming! lol

Anonymous said...

according to the report he has been trained and has worked iin radio in the past. he admitted that he made some bad decisions and never blamed anyone else. FYI the youtube video was made by a local news camera man.

an Donalbane said...

Corner, you may want to take Questions up on the helmet offer.

I don't see the guy glorifying homelessness. He admits he made bad choices, got himself into trouble with drink and drugs. And he's supposedly looking for a way to use the talent he has, his voice (given by God and apparently embellished with training), to try to make a living.

He may not do as well as some of those folks whose only demonstrable skill is to throw, hit, or catch some kind of ball, but he should be able to do well enough for a roof over his head and food on the table.

Personally, I hope he sees this opportunity as a blessing and doesn't squander it.

Anonymous said...

I understood that he went to College and had voice training. He just ended up going down the wrong path. I agree with the statement above- if he uses this for the good, all the power to him.

Anonymous said...

I understood that he went to College and had voice training. He just ended up going down the wrong path. I agree with the statement above- if he uses this for the good, all the power to him.

txtrigger said...

Do you REALLY think this is sending a message to our younger generation???? I sure can't see any of them decide to follow any life path, one way or another because of this story.

Now, shall we talk second chances sweetie????? Ummm, I think you have had a few (wink) I don't think I need to give examples. hehehehehe

I hope this man makes a true life change, and does good by those who have offered to give him a chance. It will be a tough road for him to keep his life turned back around.