Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* I saw a low of 32 on the rear view mirror on the drive over this morning. The forecasters are predicting some very cold weather for next week.
* A weatheman last night made a comment and said " A barely noticeable cold front blew through today". I made the comment " He's an idiot. If he had gotten out of his office he would have noticed that it was damn noticeable"!  W-spouse and W-stepson looked at me like I was silly. Of course neither of them had ventured out much all day either.
* Nascar is in their off season right now. Some changes are being made to some rules. Not all have been announced yet, but one has. When the drivers fill out their Nascar Drivers Sheet this year. They will have to, at that time, decide which championship they will run for. The Sprint Cup, Nationwide Series or the Truck Series. They will ONLY be able to run and gain championship points toward ONE of the series.
* I like it for one reason, and dislike it for many reasons.
* A driver like Kyle Busch is very competetive in all three series. He owns his own truck and can easily win that series this year, but does he give up the chance to win the Sprint Cup to do it?
* I was tired last night and fell asleep real early. Something I would like to do more often.
* The last two nights I have had some weird dreams. W-spouse says that she never dreams.
* W-spouse is looking into renting a cabin on the Guadalupe River this summer for all of us to spend the week down there. I'm already looking forward to that trip.
* For giggles we stopped at a cabin right on the river while we were driving around. It was for sale and we took one of those sheets out of the box to see the layout and price of the place. A 1600 square foot, two bedroom, two bath small cabin. Nothing fancy at all, but river access. $465,000.00.  There was another one right next to it, a little bigger. $525,000.00.
* I would hope, at the very least, the floors were laid in Gold.
* I think the commentor over at Liberally Lean that is always saying the end of the world is near in 2012 is funny. Others think it is a lot sooner!
* Someone is going to blame this on gas drilling sooner or later.
* OMG, try this, you will love it! We did.
* ATT needs an unlimited internet plan. I am completely satisfied with their service, other than that.
**EDIT**  I also HAD an unlimited ATT plan. When you change your plan, you no longer have that option though. As long as you do NOT upgrade, you can keep it.
* As the sun is rising this morning, I can see two Hawks in a tree nearby. Beautiful.
* I feel so sorry for Keith over at BON. I dread that day.
* Give someone a hug today. It will make you bothe feel better. See ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

Keith is truly a kind soul...wonderful Man...when I lost my Father i didnt know him from Eve and we talked alot and he really helped alot to get through a very rough time..i will always be indebted to him for his kindness

Anonymous said...

I have an unlimited ATT internet plan.

aroundthecorner said...

I also HAD an unlimited ATT plan. When you change your plan, you no longer have that option though. As long as you do NOT upgrade, you can keep it.

Jarhead™ said...

NASCAR has rules? I thought it was just drive in circles and try not to crash.

RPM said...

The main reason I don't have an iPhone is I don't want to give up my old ATT unlimited plan.

Unknown said...

Ugh...I thought we were done with the NASCAR talk for a while... just kidding daddy :)) AND, I am super excited about our vacation this summer!!!

Shayne said...

Hey, what about us for the vaca????