Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm Pissed

This is a copy of the review that I just wrote on Google about Best Buy Denton Tx. I warn you, steer clear of these idiots.
For many years I have shopped at Best Buy. I have been a loyal customer and purchased many thousands of dollars in merchandise from them. Computers, Televisions, surround sound systems, cameras, phones, video game systems, appliances, you name it I have bought it there. Hundreds of dollars in accessories for phones and other electrical items. I can walk through this store for hours just dreaming of what I need next. On Saturday 12/18/2010 we made a purchase in the store, the second time that I had made a purchase there on this day, the girl that checked us out had a problem with one of our gift cards scanning and voided the transaction and promptly gave me a reciept showing the voided transaction. On monday 12/20/2010 I called my bank and found out that the transaction had actually gone through 3 times. I then called Best Buy Denton Tx and spoke with a Manager that told me to wait for a few days to see if it was credited back. On Wednesday 12/22/2010 I checked back with my bank and the transaction had still not credited back. This was not a hold, or authorization hold, the account had been charged 3 times. I then called this store back and after waiting on hold during three consecutive 12 rings an agent answered and put me on the phone with "Tim" "Operations manager". He looked at the transaction and told me that he couldn't help me in a rude way. He then gave me a number to corporate customer service. I asked for his last name for future reference and he refused to give it to me. I have now been in contact with 4 different people with the number that he gave me and after showing 39 minutes on my phone, I still have not spoken with anyone regarding this matter. This is not my first negative experience with this store, but the one that made my mind up to take my buisness elsewhere. I also visit other stores in my immediate area and have found the service to be lacking, the customer agents to not be very truthful or know as much as they need to about the product they are selling. Note to Bryan J Dunn President and COO of Best Buy. You just lost my service and anyone else that I can convince to not shop there. WWiggins
Edit: Phone now showing 52 minutes and still holding.
Edit Edit: Also, as bad as I know we dislike Wal-Mart sometimes, I ordered wspouse a gift from them, paid next day shipping, however did not receive it in that time frame. I called, they checked the order, realized the error, apologized and refunded the shipping fee. Done deal in approximately 30 minutes.


Anonymous said...

I hate Best Buy too, I've not shopped that store in almost 15 years because of bad behavior on their part at the end of a transaction for over $500. I immediately asked for a refund, which they didn't want to give me, and I walked out without anything. Went across the street to Sears and bought the same stuff. I told them then that I would never be back and I haven't! I now shop at RadioShack, the employees are knowledgeable and they have almost everything I need or want xcept big appliances!

RPM said...

I used to like Best Buy, but their service has really gone downhill. Somebody should remind them of what happened to Circuit City and Federated.

Anonymous said...

You don't HAVE to shop at best buy.... you GET to... happy holidays

Anonymous said...

Go to their Facebook page and post your problem. All companies HATE having their shortcomings displayed to the public there. I resorted to that with Century Link and my problem was resolved within 24 hours-and then they removed my negative comments.