Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* The rain and snow where I am at never materialized. It looked like on the radar that it all went to the northeast of us. Showed 34 degrees on my rear view mirror on the ride over this morning.
* We watched Glee again last night. I just don't get all that in your face gay stuff. That has the makings of being a fun, clean show with great music. Why do they have to ruin it with that theme?
* We also watched Raising Hope. Hilarious.
* As I listened to The Morning Drive on Sirius satellite this morning, they went over what they thought was the greatest top ten moments in NASCAR this past year. It got me to thinking about what was my top ten moments of this past year. After number 1, they really aren't in any particular order:
1. The birth of our grandchildren.
2. Papa Harolds retirement party and standing there seeing all the people that thought so highly of him all those years, and getting to speak in his honor.
3. The marriage of my daughter.
4. Two of our sons getting jobs in their chosen careers. Firefighting. Something I would have/should have done.
5. Our middle son passing the State testing for his Paramedic license.
6. Getting my wife back to normal and healed after starting the year with a nighmare ordeal.
7. Our work being steady, and not having to go out of state to work this year.
8. Selling our motorhome, which allowed us more freedoms financially.
9. Our youngest son, reaching a chapter in his life we all look forward to. Getting his drivers license and getting his first vehicle.
10. Last but not least, finding a church home. A place we as a family all feel comfortable attending. A place where we all are welcome with no barriers in place.
* There are more I am sure. I have forgotten some I am sure, but that was on a moments notice.
* I have not updated you on the "Well From Hell". We are still working on it and hopefully will be through today. It has been quite the experience tending to, and trying to manage pressures like we have never worked with previously on any well in our area.
* Actually, I wished we had ten more like this one to work on.
* Whoever owns the mineral rights to these wells is going to be very wealthy.
* If you get the chance, click over to Crazy Texas Mommy and read this post. Something has to be done in this area of our schools. We can't continue to have punishments in place that DO NOT fit the crime. Zero Tolerance is stupid. Don't tell me why it's in place, I already know. There has to be a better way, not just the easiest.
* It would be no different than getting hauled to jail, and serving time for being a murderer, child molester and rapist, just for you getting pulled over for speeding.  <---- Ok stupid analogy, but you get the picture.
* W-spouse and I went to Bonos last night for a steak. The bar might be a hopping place to be, but the rest of the place is on the way out. Service was mediocre, many menu items were scratched off the menu and the food was not good. We won't go back. Not to mention, a party was being held for 40-50 screaming(literally) children. Wasn't exactly a nice quiet evening.
* I just saw the most beautiful flock of Ducks take off from a pond nearby and fly over us.
* Stay warm today, and keep smiling. See ya Around The Corner!

1 comment:

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Some of my best moments are appreciating God's creations such as the rise of a flock of ducks off a pond. When I was younger, I took those things for granted. Now, I always thank Him when he allows me to see such things.