Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Question Of The Day

What is your favorite holiday of the year? Where do you spend it? How do you celebrate it?


txtrigger said...

New Years, because it means the dang holiday season is OVER and I don't have to listen to all the joyful music and see all those pretty decorations in the stores any more for another year.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving! I get to eat 2 times that day at my folk's house and my husband's. I like getting together with family just eating and relaxing without the pressure of gifts!

Kathleen... said...

Christmas...always at home....where the children & parents get up in our matching PJs and run down to see what Santa left over night....I LOVE Christmas morning with my family. And SU always brings me a warm cup of coffee with a hint of Bailey's in it....=)

Kathleen... said...
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Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

I usually spend Christmas at Tony Stewart's house.