Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, November 29, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's been raining a little bit over here  around Denton, but the temperature is mild in the lower 60s.
* It was a good Thanksgiving weekend. It was also a good anniversary weekend.
* It was good in the fact that we made it safely to Austin and back with 3 different drivers, one being a beginner, without any incidents.........or dents. I rode most of the way, there and back, just observing from the back seat.
* While in Austin, we took our niece and nephew to Dave and Busters. I will give the place a 9 on the games and entertainment. I will give it a 6 on the food. Give it a 8 1/2 on the  drink bars with multiple screens to watch football on. The food was a little pricey, but if you went with the food/gaming card combo offer, it was a  lot cheaper. It was a fun place and everyone in our party had a blast.
* A really dark cloud is moving over us right now and it has begun to "Rain Cats And Dogs".
* If you have an Iphone or Ipad, I recommend you getting the Talking Tom, Talking Hairy, Talking Hippo Apps. They are hilarious and will provide hours of entertainment. There is also a Photoshop App for free that has shown to be very useful in editing photos.
* W-spouse and I have gotten to see both grandkids each day for the last two days. Ava will just laugh and giggle at you if do those funny sounds and tickle her. She is trying to crawl, and it wouldn't surprise us if by Christmas she is getting into everything. Madison was awake on Saturday for me for a couple of hours. I felt so happy just holding her and looking into her eyes. I sure love them two girls.
* I have a feeling that W-spouse and I are going to be "Never say NO grandparents".
* For those of you that have wondered what we ended up doing for our anniversary. Nada!
* For those of you that have wondered what we got each other for our anniversay. Nada!
* We just decided that we would celebrate it at a later date. That date hasn't been decided yet, but it's coming.
* While in Austin, W-spouses brother and I were discussing the issue of the "FORGOTTEN ANNIVERSARY". He made the comment, "I bet she said, I got this" somewhere in our past conversations. We both started laughing, only because he and her are just alike.
* It quit raining and now there isn't a cloud in the sky as far to the West as you can see.
* Lack of sleep last night has me dragging today. The rain and me being tired makes it hard to not want to go back to bed for a while.
* Time to work for  a while, see ya Around The Corner!


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

One of our boys basketball coaches had a father that coached and a son that played. He told me that when the little boy fell during basketball, Grandpa would help him up and and make sure sure he wasn't hurt. The dad said that when he used to get hurt in basketball, his dad (Grandpa) would yell, "Get up! You're not hurt!" lol

Anonymous said...

I have 2 grandsons and yes I am the never say no one. Don't care either. My boys always tell me I was never like that with them. Duh!! The babies go home eventually. On the anniversary thing. Ours in January 1.I picked that date so I wouldn't forget it. Guess how many times we have celebrated it? NADA. Always say we will letter but just never get around to it. Thanks again for your blog. Makes me smile everyday.

wspouse said...

I'm sure there will be a proper balance of yes' and nos'. Mostly NO, don't tell your parents we: stayed up late or had dessert before supper, with a yes we can: watch the cartoon channel and eat pancakes in our pajamas or go swimming right after we eat.
See, a perfect balance.