Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Grammar and Spelling Revisited!

To Adolph,
Please refer way back to my very first post where I stated that my grammar and spelling might not be always perfect. You are incorrect in your statement in that I have no appreciation for the "Grammar Nazis". If you have the time and want to correct each and every post that I put on this blog, let me know how I can contact you before I post it. Then you can correct my "I" and "me" and "setting" and "sitting" and all the other errors that I might make. I ask you, would it be MY blog then? No, it would be your blog. Your grammar correct blog. Your spelling correct blog. Your politically correct blog. Your "educated blog". I do appreciate it, I just don't want it or need it. This blog is not about those things. I'm sure you could google it and find one that is perfect for you and that you wouldn't feel the need to correct them. If I look undereducated or uneducated to my readers, so be it. I can assure you that I have never laid claim to being more educated than the next guy. I can also assure you that if you or five thousand other commentors correct this post in the morning that it's not going to change the way that I write the next post. I find it amusing that there are people out there that think they are smarter than someone else just by of his grammar or spelling. I also find it amusing that people have the time to be able to read some blogs and have the time to comment all day and correct them. All that said, thanks for caring that I look uneducated and for taking the time to point that out. I probably won't sleep tonight worrying over it. What started out as a joke between W-spouse and I/me over my grammar has at the very least shown me that I probably should have paid/payed closer attention in English class. But hey, that was over 30 years ago. I hope you enjoy my posts in the future and can look over my silly mistakes.


Homer said...

Hey Cuz
Preach on my uneducated Brother..I'll lay a months salary that the "Professor" you speak of couldnt last 2 minutes doing what you do..I know I couldnt and hell I'm a college graduate.
You never have to change because it is what makes you a good way...LOL

Love ya Bro

Anonymous said...

The best teacher I ever had explained that all the language rules were meant to aid the communication of one's thoughts. If you can communicate to the reader your message than you have completed the task regardless of spelling, grammer and punctuation errors. A perfectly written essay deserves an F if it failed in communicating the writers thoughts--kind of like a shiny new car that won't start. It looks pretty but it can't get you anywhere! I'd say your blog gets an A.

txtrigger said...

Well said W. I have bad spelling, type too fast and do not proof read, and don't always use there, their and they're, or worse and worst in the right context. So sue me. If folks don't like it, you can find thousands of other blogs to read out there. Also, remember, some people will post comments just to irritate others. They love to stir the shit. Barry Greens blog is a fine example of that!

Propagandist said...

How about this, tell the Grammar Nazi to kiss your happy ass and you keep being the W we all like hearing from. Don't worry what some anal retentive douche bag has to say about your grammar and spelling.

Yeah. I know I shouldn't have ended a sentence with "from" but I just couldn't help myself.

janneba said...

Carry on as Jarhead says.LOL

Kathleen... said...

Yeah, what janneba said. ;-)

Jarhead™ said...

Don't let the jerkoff anonymous posters yank your chain. Criticism of spelling and grammar typically means they have no valid points to make and have to resort to spelling and grammar bashing to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives, lack of self esteem and small penises.

I do love the way Adolph uses the passive aggressive "love & kisses" to play the whole thing off as a joke in order to extract himself/herself/itself from a losing battle in true anon fashion. So predictable. So sad.

Such is the life of an anonymous troll.

Anonymous said...

; adolp me agre wit anonimoose spelin wUrds write an Uszin propUr pUnksUashun aint importint az lon az oder poepl no whats yUo is takin aboat) whU carz inywhey?

me haz gUd isteem an vary lon penUs an thats whats me carz abut.

me ar gude lAwurer an rights gude contrax al teh tyme an nevur has know problums * sum daz me'l bee settin one federul benc makin lawz ya;ll gotto follo .... lik two bee agunst teh lawe ot cal poepl a jerkhof anonimoose poaster ifn yuo dont no ifn he jerkhofs ore knot.

settin one teh frunt porche, hangen lose.

ur freind

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Silicone Alley would express herself if the F key got superglued in the upright position.