Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Same story, different day. Worked on the welding trailer for most of the day.
* It's back to the grindstone tomorrow.
* When I got home today I looked in on my favorite blogs to catch up. I shouldn't have, a comment hurt my little feelings. It's here about kids mingling in Wise County.
* We got in bed late last night and was asleep about 30 minutes when W-spouses phone rang. She got called in to work. She got home 3-4 hours later. Neither of us slept much and we are dragging tonight.
* Decatur has a bye/by this week. One week without football and will be all doom and gloom around here.
* Fixed W-preggo daughters front door and her car today. She has a Hyundai Elantra. I think I have changed out 10 headlights on that car since we have had it. It's a great car, it just eats headlights.
* We took the welder back off the trailer today. The grinding and prepping begins now.
* One of those gas companies is building a location behind W-moms house. They are going to drill two wells. One W-mom has the partial royalties too. I honestly hope it makes them rich.
* Not for me to have any future claim too. I want them to be able to pack up and travel whenever and wherever they want to. They both deserve it.
* Had lunch today with the President. Heck no, not Obammy,but the President of our company. He's a great guy. <----INTENTIONAL PLUG
* He and his wife are as big, or bigger Nascar fans than W-spouse and I. We all like #14 Tony Stewart.
* He makes 3-4 different races around the country every year. Makes me jealous.
* They will be camping out with us in two weeks if all goes as planned.
* W-spouse is crashed out in the recliner behind me snoring away. She also had that head bob thing going on for a while.
* I have a grandfather clock in our entry hall. I walked by it earlier and noticed that it had stopped. I wound it and looked at my phone to see what time it was to set it. It was exactly 6:03, amazingly it had stopped at that exact time.
* Doesn't take much to amaze me does it?
* I'm up to 24 followers. Nearly as popular as Obi and Jar!
* I am thinking I would like to have a site tracker, but honestly I don't know why.
* It would be cool to know someone reads my blog that lives in another country though.
* I'm watching Glee as I type this. I'm also secure with my masculinity.
* There are some good singers on that show.
* I have a brand spanking new Xbox 360 that is internet ready that I don't need. I will trade it for welding tools, grinders and such or sell it if anyone is interested.
* I haven't practiced my guitar in weeks. I need to get back on that.
* Time to hit the shower, see ya Around The Corner!


Kathleen... said...

Mr. Corner, I'm sorry about that comment hurting you. I truly do disagree with the opinion. The children out here are more natural than where I came from...they PLAY. Driveway basketball, front yard football...."war" and frog hunting. There's not a group that I'd prefer to have my children "mixing" with.....the kids out here do not suffer from the same degrees of entitlement, "t'aint fair" or BS political correctness.

As I answered (yet another) person who asked me tonight, "So how do you like it out here versus [the Other Town]?" I LOVE IT. I truly, truly do....

And I don't know if I'd qualify me (or Jar, for that matter) as "popular." ;-) People do love to hate us......

Give the Wife my best....=)

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog, it is one of my top blogs, I like to read Sili's because we have alot of the same grypes, I read crazy Tx because i think me and her are the same person,nad then i red yours, you are such a real person, and i think your spelling errors and mishaps are what we as humans are all about, you r true, and your blogs are a comfort to me(ok now i sound like an insane stalker) as a fellow oilfield worker,( and spouse is too) we thank you for your daily thought and enjoy reading them. Keep on doin what you are doing. o yeah and by the way i have some torches and some other welding stuff i can trade for a xbox 360, my son would think i was the greatest mom on earth