Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Did not work today so I messed around with the welding trailer all day.
* Got a call around 5pm and I am back out in the field tomorrow.
* W-preggo daughter said that she put her Ipod headphones on when I started welding this morning so I didn't keep her from sleeping.
* Geez, I didn't start till 10 am. Wake your butt up girl!
* We went to the Decatur bonfire last night. Post to follow later.
* Met up with our Mercedes Benz friends. They are so much fun.
* To all my WwF players. I will catch up when I have time. I seem to have lost interest. I think it's because I never win. Seems like we have 10 letters left and I am 150 points behind. Seems useless to finish, but I have.
* I found out today that Willie Nelson is going to be performing before the Nacar Sprint Cup Race in November. That's a big change from ZZ Top last year.
* My mother is the biggest Willie fan ever. He's playing at Winstar on the 27th of November. I bet Papa fixes her up with tickets.
* I have not eaten right in the last two weeks and my diabetes is out of whack. Tommorrow I start keeping up with things again.
* Why in the world is there not something to eat that is as satisfying as cake, cookies and candy for diabetics.
* I love fruit, but it usually ruins if I don't eat it fast enough, and it is satifying. I love grapes too.
* Just how much of that stuff do you find on a dessert menu though? Nada, zilch, not a thing.
* And what about bread? Can't someone invent something that is as good as bread that doesn't turn straight to sugar?
* Yeah I know, if I hadn't got myself in this shape I wouldn't be asking these questions.
* W-spouse is up at the field house decorating the locker room for the big game tomorrow night. I find myself asking if she loves me as much as she does high school football ;)
* Decatur is going to have to play their best game of the year to beat Bridgeport. I haven't seen Bridgeport play this year, but from all accounts that I have heard, they are pretty good.
* Both teams usually get really pumped up for this game. Way more so than other games.
* If we do get beat, Saturday is going to suck around here.
* I posted a video a few days back about a naked guy jumping into a hay bailer. I bet I got 10 comments saying that it was fake. Let me explain something right here. I have bailed many a bale of hay and been around hay bailers all my life. Round bailers and square bailers. I am smart enough to know that you sure as heck do not want to jump into one, and if for some reason you did, you wouldn't come out laughing and smiling.
* I had a friend that got an arm ripped off by the power take off shaft on a hay bailer. I never saw him laugh about it.
* I got to watch most of the new Sister Wives show last night, but fell asleep. That show is hilarious.
* It's time for a salad, see ya Around The Corner!


txtrigger said...

Sugar Free Candy that rocks.... Wal-Mart, in the packaged candy section that faces the registers. Far right side. Bright green bags, down low.

Russell Stover. zero, yes ZERO sugars!!! Very yummy! Trust me on this. ;-)

aroundthecorner said...

Gotta try that J. Maybe tomorrow!

Kathleen... said...

Diabetes sucks. My Grandma was miserable living with it in her last years. I'm so sorry, Mr. Corner.

I like to eat what I want, when I want it, and without restriction....that being said, I'd be the size of a house and depressed. To have Health f'ed with too? I'm sorry....=(