Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

* My first Saturday off in the last few weeks was spent working on cars, moving Daughters things, mowing and weedeating, washing bikes, showing the RV to prospective buyers, taking W-spouse out to eat and then quick trip to W-moms so W-spouse could change bandage on W-moms foot!
* Weedeater ended up in the trash can. I have had it for 5 years. Time for a new one.
* There is a lot of  "W's" in our family.
* Sunday is going to start at Central Fellowship and end at Lake Bridgeport. That is the plan. Pray that it stays within those limits!
* If you haven't eaten at the Peppermill Cafe on the north side of Decatur square, you need too. Great food.
* There is a picture hanging on the west wall of the cafe that is taken early 1900's from the upper tower window of the Waggoner mansion looking to the west overlooking Decatur. It is amazing what you can see in the picture.
* I miss my grandparents and great-grandparents telling stories of when they settled here. Was it easier then, or now? Easier to live, make a living, get around?
* I suppose it's all in how you define "easier".
* I bought a zero radius turning mower used about 3 weeks ago. It's the best lawn mowing invention in modern times, next to the weedeater.
* And I hate weedeaters.
* A cousin of mine (I have thousands) which lives down south of here next to the Gulf of Mexico, wears a badge and carries a pistola legally. He and I have had many adventures/stories/near misses that you will hear about from time to time.
* I woke up with him on my mind today. We are purchasing a vehicle for youngest W-stepson to drive to school from him. I sure hope it didn't get stolen from his driveway last night!
* When he and I were 16ish, and he was staying the summer with us in East Tx, he and I found a bath tub at the dump. One of those heavy huge porcelain tubs. I had an old 70 model ford pickup that we hauled hay on. I also had a rope in the bed that we used to tie the loads down. Well back then all the roads were gravel, red dirt roads. "IDEA"....Yep, we tied the rope through the drain hole and back up through were the little handle goes up and down, and then to the back of the truck and away we go taking turns sliding around and taking out mailboxes and anything else that got in the way. It was my turn and I loaded up sporting some cutting torch googles that we had found. As cuz rouned a corner he slung me way wide and about that time the rope had wore down from being drug on the gravel. Now if you think I was going to tell you that i went flying out across the field, well NO. It was like the best, and I mean very best set of disk brakes that you could have ever installed in a bathtub, had been applied at their very hardest and the bathtub came to an abrupt halt. I mean ALTO.....STOP. So fast that I had no time to react and my chin hit, just below my bottom lip, the top of the tub with such force that it split my chin all the way to the teeth. Cuz got out of the truck LHBO. For you that don't know, that means "laughing his butt off". I spit blood for an hour. I didn't go get stiches and never told W-mom what happened. I'm pretty sure that the bathtub laid there in that ditch for a long time. It was like those crosses that you see on the side of the highway. Except nobody got killed. A remembrance to our fun and stupidity.
* Believe that one also, I have the scars!

1 comment:

Cuz with a Badge said...

You know Cuz it's a wonder how many guardian angels we've bee through...I know I got a real good one now watching over me and you too.... and remember the statute of limitations aint up on all our "adventures"