Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, August 13, 2012

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It was hot all weekend, until the summer rains came through yesterday. Then it was hot and muggy.
* I GOT to work all weekend. Although yesterday, we got sent home early.
* While browsing the net yesterday I came across a set of ramps on Craigs list for the trailer. I had already purchased the metal to build a set, but these were so cheap. When I got off work I headed over the west Ft Worth (Roberts Cut Off area) and purchased the ramps. I will use the metal I have for another project I have in mind.
* These ramps were $105.00. The metal I purchased was $107.00 for the two pieces of angle iron for the ramps. The guy that I bought them from told me that he buys them for $75.00. Whoever he buys them from, sells them to him and has to ship them AND make a profit. Assuming they have $50.00 in them, the metal they are purchasing has to cost less than half of what I paid for it originally. SOMEONE is making a lot of money SOMEWHERE in the metal/iron/steel industry.
* While I was out and about, I stopped by Tractor Supply and purchased a tool box for the tongue of the trailer. When I got home, I drilled the holes and installed it. You can see in the picture that it is to close to the jack to turn the handle. I will take the handle off and build an extension to clear the height of the toolbox.
* The next project for the trailer is to make some hangers for the side of the trailer to put the ramps on. Initially I was going to build something to slide them under the trailer like you see on a lot of them, but W-spouse and I think it will be easier for her to get them off and on if we hang them from the side.
* The trailer is 16' in length. Not long enough for the Jeep and the Teryx4.  Eventually I may fabricate a removable stand on the front of the trailer to drive the Teryx4 up on. High enough that the Jeeps hood will fit under, thereby allowing us to haul both of them at the same time. Maybe.
* The axles on the trailer are #3500 so assuming the Jeep weighs around #3000 and the Teryx4 weighs #1400. Then you add the weight of the trailer itself, we will be reaching the upper limits of the trailers weight capacity.
* Yeah, I should have purchased a larger trailer. Yeah, they cost more. A lot more, and we won't be hauling both vehicles at the same time very often, so I might just borrow a friends trailer when needed.
* Try explaining/justifying all of that to W-spouse and you can see the wall I ran into when trying to convince her that we needed a bigger trailer.
* I saw these Cds on another blog recently and purchased the Sonshine collection for each of the grand kids. We gave Ava hers on Saturday and she loved it. Madison came over yesterday and listened to hers. Each time it would say her name she would look at the TV and smile. They both loved them and I hope they will cherish them for a long time.
* Latest report on my friend Kayla: An MRI was performed yesterday and it showed blood flow through the brain like it is supposed to do. They will be doing a trachieotomy (sp) on her this morning. Other than that, not much change since the last report.
* Go here and watch this inside the cab view of a small plane crash. Credit: Jarhead
* I am hoping the Teryx4 gets fixed before the weekend. I want to go riding. This. Weekend.
* Have a great Monday, see ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

Is there enough room to put the Teryx4 side ways on the trailer in front of the axles?

aroundthecorner said...

No, the wheelbase it to long, and end to end it is nearly 11'. So you would be way over width. I had thought about that scenario already, just won't work.

RPM said...

A couple ideas... You could always buy heavier axles and swap them out. Not that hard to do.

For the landing gear, go buy one with the handle in front instead of on top. They are much better built than those cheapo ones that come stock.

Pretty sure Tractor Supply has the axles and landing gear. If not, Quality Trailer Parts in Azle definitely does.