Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* The weather sucks this morning if you have to be out in it. Either rain hard or quit, this drizzle is miserable. Chilling to the bone.
* Continuing with our NASCAR talk. I agree Jeffro, Harvick has a chip on his shoulder. Dale Jr is washed up. Nothing but a name. In my honest opinion, I think Rick Hendrick knows what his name means and what it does for the sport of NASCAR. Therefore he signed him on as a middle of the road driver, that put in the right position can win races, but not on his own skills alone. He also does more endorsement wise than any driver in NASCAR (Income based). I honestly believe there are three drivers that have an honest shot at unseating JJ this year. Kevin Harvick, Carl Edwards and Kyle Busch. KH has it all. Carl Edwards has talent, money and the know how. Kyle Busch is raw talent mixed with un uncanny ability to restart fast and always run up front. If he can remain consistent through the year and not let his emotions get in his way, he will be in the top 3 of the Chase at the end.
* RPM, we have moved spaces. We are now in AA 48,50,52,54 and CC 47,49,51,53 all in a square over in the Lone Star Circle. There will be a big white tent with my companies name on it. Probably some loud music and a campfire going. Can't wait to meet you, and anyone else that wants to drop by.
* W-spouse discovered that I downloaded a new app on the Ipad. It is a NASCAR game in which you are timed to run a pit stop. It's addicting. She was still playing it at 10:30 last night. I finally told her to stop. She did........after beating my top score. I brought the Ipad with me today to best her if I have time.
* Obama made the comment about Libya last night that our intervention was necessary to stop a potential massacre which would have "stained the conscience of the world."  Have WE not pretty much stained the conscience of the world already?
* Did they break this news to him the minute that they took this picture?
* Leave them alone, heck there only trying to make a dollar!
* Working in the Oilfield is truly "Feast or Famine".
* I'm soaked right now. Worked out in the drizzle since 6am. I need to change clothes. Should have put on my raincoat.
* Jar has been missing again. Then he commented last night.
* I like Schlotzskys.
* Angry Squaw.  Dave and Busters is fun. There are no go carts and such, but we went there a few months back and played games forever (3 of us) for around $60.
* Stay dry today, see ya Around The Corner!


The Angry Squaw said...

I was wondering about D&B!! Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely give them a call and see about taking the tribe there. I think they will have a blast doing something like that, knowing her crew. Thanks Corner, you are a peach.

Kathleen... said...

Schlotzskys is yummyyyyyyyyyy!

Sherri said...

this whole obama war precedent setting garbage had me really going this morning... i must quit listening to talk radio... why the heck are we over there? why is it our business? essentially this is a civil war and we are taking sides... really? during our civil war can you imagine what would have happened had the french or british or who ever joined in and took sides? my word....

i don't think the fighting will ever stop and we will never bring ALL our troops home.. heck, haven't we had troops in combat pretty much since desert storm? sheesh!

i get so upset with this country sometimes... i think i'm going to find an abandoned island and claim squatters rights ha!

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

What does Wspouse think of "they're only trying to make a dollar"?

Shayne said...

Alright, already - enough NASCAR talk. :')

RPM said...

I'll see if I can sneak my minitruck in. I think you'll get a kick out of it. TMS has gotten hard to get along with on taking it into their campgrounds and cruising, but if you know what you're doing you can get in.