Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, March 28, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Been a busy, busy morning.
* I usually arrive 20-30 minutes early on location which gives me time to blog. This morning, we were moving. As soon as I arrived there were some things to get together and then we moved from the Ponder area over to the Haslet area. Then we had to rig everything up. One piece of equipment that I run had broken down last week and had been at the shop for repairs. I had to get it all back online and do some testing with it.
* My cousin is coming along well since his surgery. I spoke with him on Saturday and he sounded like he was on some good drugs. I saw a posting of his on Facebook yesterday and based on the post, I think he might have STILL been on some good drugs.
* The guy that I work with that I asked you to pray for his wife finally got the trach removed this weekend. She is still in a rehab center, but is doing a little better each day. It has been a long time since she has seen the walls of her house and I bet they are ready for her to come home.
* I'm still amazed that Kevin Harvick won that race yesterday. I dislike him nearly as much as I do Jeff Gordon.
* Kyle Busch has changed. It is my opinion that his major sponsor told him to either change his ways or risk losing them. No more flipping the bird at officials, no more running from the cameras when things don't exactly go your way. As a NASCAR fan, it is much more fun when he is ranting and raving about something.
* We stayed at the lakehouse Friday night. I worked on the shower faucet. After taking it apart and putting it back together numerous times, success was achieved. Lake water and new style mixer faucets don't go well together.
* W-sister and B-law were out there for the weekend. They were finishing up their bathroom remodeling job. They had a small problem with a shower glass not fitting right. They will be headed for Iowa soon.
* W-sister and one of our cousins are going to Vegas this weekend for the Academy Music Awards. Make note of me being a little jealous.
* W-spouse worked 12-14 hours yesterday. She was beat down when she came home last night.
* I went to church and bible class yesterday morning. It was a blessing. I love our church and our church family. I look forward to going every week.
* I gotta run. It's been fun, see ya Around The Corner!


janneba said...

about time.LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok, I may be opening a can of worms but why the dislike for Harvick as much as Jeff Gordon? I can understand the dislike for Jeff Gordon or even Dale Jr. but Harvick??? You are honestly the only person I know that hates him. Everyone else I have met is pretty indifferent to him. I know he can be a hothead sometimes but just curious why the hate? I knew I really liked him several years back when I went to my first Nascar race. He was in the Nationwide race and was mixing it up all day long. He got in a huge wreck and came back about 50 laps later and was missing his rear fender but was still not afraid to mix it up. I knew then that was an awesome driver! He has had no easy task though trying to replace THE legend of Nascar.

Shayne said...

Jealousy is an evil monster.... You know we will be thinking of you while we are there. :)

Anonymous said...

My sister and my cousin are going to the ACM awards in Las Vegas THIS WEEEND!!! and all I want them to bring me back is........

Kathleen... said...

Isn't it nice to have a church home that you love visiting? =)

aroundthecorner said...

No Jeffro, Not opening any can of worms. I can talk(argue) NASCAR all day. The main reason that I dislike him, and Gordon for that matter is this. Both of them when they get shoved around or even get spun out, take it and spin it like, "What,(insert driver) wrecked me"? I'm Kevin Harvick/Jeff Gordon, you can't do that to a veteran driver such as me. Example: Jeff Gordon at TMS last November VS Jeff Burton. Burton didn't even know what he did and Gordon went flying at him with the fists. If it is a young driver, it even worse, they start going off on them like they are inexperienced and don't know what they are doing. At that level of this game, they know. They just don't give into them like others do. Funny that you mention this, because there are a few more that fit into this criteria. I'm sure you can name one or two. Carl Edwards is another.
Now don't get me wrong and interpret my dislike for them as a form of saying that they aren't any good as drivers. They are, KH and JG are ranked every week in the top 10, and probably closer to top 5. It would not surprise me at all to see KH as the champion this year. I don't really think we will ever see Gordon there, but Harvick is another story. Hes a great driver, on a great team, and has great sponsors.
Have you ever seen Tony cry like that? Nope, he just goes out next week and crashes or spins them out. He will say something about it and let them know that it's coming.
Your turn!

RPM said...

Jeffro, he's not the only one. I have to totally agree the on hating Harvick/Gordon quandary. They are both such douchebags it's hard to make a decision.

Personally I like the new Shrub. It's a definite improvement PR wise. I don't know if his sponsor, Coach Joe or his new wife sat him down and finally got thru to him, but his attitude has improved. We haven't seen him have a really bad race yet. When he does get put in the wall or they blow a pitstop, I know he's still got a rant or two left in him.

BTW, I'm really going to make an effort to get by your camp and say hi at the next race.

Anonymous said...

All good arguments I don't see him as the crybaby that Gordon is but then again I am biased! I do love Tony Stewart and I love his attitude. I just really like that Harvick has a chip on his shoulder and doesn't take crap from anyone, entitlement... Maybe so but I also like that atitude. Their are only 2 drivers I can't stand and that's Kyle Bush and Dale Jr. Bush because he's just an idiot but I do agree that I think sponsors have said knock it off. Jr. Just because everyone loves him and he's never done anything besides have a famous last name. What say u?

Anonymous said...

Tell your sister and brother in law to enjoy ya'lls warm weather in Texas, as I type this (Tuesday am) it is snowing in Ft Madison with a temp of 23! Oh how I miss Texas!

Anonymous said...

If you dont mind sharing..What church are you calling home?
Boyd Fan

Anonymous said...

Good news about your cousin & your friend in rehab. Prayers ongoing for both of them. Mo