Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* 64 degrees this morning. The wind is howling out of the south. Gusts over 30 mph today. Be careful if your going to get out on the lake today.
* I spoke to the family down in Houston about 9 pm last night and my cousin was doing great after the surgery. He was joking and kidding around, back to his old self. I ask that he remain in your prayers, I can only imagine the road ahead of him. I hope that I can assist him in any way. Brother, when you read this, know that we have a room at our house open. You can come live here if you want to till your back on your feet.
* The Sam Houston statue is just south of Huntsville Tx right beside I45 on the East side of the road. It can been seen for 5 miles when your headed to the north. I think a great tribute.
* When I opened the laptop this morning and brought up the email, there were 5 comments to be approved in my inbox. 4 of them were regarding the friends post below. I want to say thanks for all the kind words. I want to say thanks for the thoughtful insight. I want to say thanks for being some of the friends that I mentioned.
* NASCAR has a situation wherein they have a few teams that are called "Start and Park" teams. They are teams that are basically un-derfunded and under-budgeted, they can't afford to race the whole race or risk tearing the car up in an accident or a blown engine. They ususally start the race and run a few laps then go park behind the wall. They get whatever money for finishing what that position pays. It's a situation NASCAR created and can do nothing about. I have mixed feelings about it. I think that they should have to at least run half the race. I also understand from an owners perspective the costs and liability involved, hence the mixed feelings. Any NASCAR fans have a thought?
* W-spouse and I got to see both grandbabies last night. Both of them got that "Deer In The Headlights" look when they saw me. I haven't held either one since last Monday.
* It's time to go to work, see ya Around The Corner!


RPM said...

Star and park sucks. The teams are taking away a slot from someone that wants to race and not just cash the check for 43rd.

The Jennifer Jo Cobb controversy has a lot of drama from both sides, but I have to give her a ton of credit for standing her ground against being forced to start-n-park.

It sounds like the NASCAR community is lining up behind her as well. Rumor is Roush/Fenway is going to start supplying her cars.

wspouse said...

Honey I know you're excited about the NASCAR drama.
I can't wait more than 24-48 hours to see my gbabies. I'm just saying! Gotta get my nibbles in.
Have a good day, hope you have cement in your pockets so you don't get blown away.

The Angry Squaw said...

Oh my goodness!!! I leave Oz for a couple of days, and look at all that happens while I'm away!!

Prayers for your cousin, still. Long road ahead, but sounds like his attitude is in the right place.

Awesome friend post. I have some of the same things rolling around in my head, both friends and family. Thank you for putting all of that out there. Perfect timing on that.

That WSpouse sure is a corker. You better hang on to her with both hands. She's a keeper.

ratherbesailin' said...

Start and park is not racing so send it somewhere else.
On another thought dear to your heart:
There are four celebrities who have participated in 200 or more "Make a Wish foundation", events, John Cena, Hulk Hogan, Dale, Jr. and JEFF GORDON.
( notice the missing NFL and NBA people)