Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, March 14, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* 47 degrees in Decatur this morning with a north wind blowing 10-25 mph.
* They are repaving a part of 156 over near Ponder and this morning while entering the city limits a pickup came out of nowhere and was on my bumper. I was going slower than the speed limit because they have removed the asphalt and haven't repaved it yet. The pickup passed me doing at least 70. When I made it to the store the guy was getting out of the truck. When I got up to the counter he was right in front of me in line. All he had was a cup of coffee. As we started out the door I asked him if he thought that cup of coffee was worth his life and mine driving like an idiot. He just looked at me and drove off.
* I said a prayer for him. I prayed that he makes it wherever he is going safely.
* Lets start over, Good morning peeps!
* The time change has made me sleepy this morning. I heard on the radio this morning that your biological clock should not be affected by the time change. Mine is. I stayed awake till late last night and felt like I needed to stay in bed this morning.
* I love this time of the year though. It didn't get dark till after 8 last night, even with the coudy weather.
* We met the W-in-laws in Waco yesterday for a lunch date. It was really great getting to visit with them for a while. Thanks for lunch and we love ya Mo and Big Dude!
* I watched a movie on the Ipad on the way down. A River Runs Through It. Older movie, but I enjoyed it.
* I listened to tunes on the Ipad on the way home. I never drove one mile the whole way. I just sit/set/sat back and relaxed. Even napping at some point.
* That tragedy over in Japan just keeps getting worse. There was a second explosion at one of the nuclear reactors. That is scary.
* It seems like the people that want to help just can't afford to anymore. I hope someone steps up to the plate and helps this guy continue his tradition.
* What a tragedy. Most of us couldn't even begin to deal with that.
* Txtrigger, I never even thought about the others that the lockout would affect when I posted that. I meant it toward the players that make too much money anyway. I should have been more considerate......Sorry.
* I didn't apologize just because she gave me a tank either, I did so because her and her hubby are good folks and I like them.
* My blogging friend over at BON likes the phrase that I sent him that my preacher taught me. He refers to it from time to time. (see last sentence)
* Have fun on Spring Break, see ya Around The Corner!


txtrigger said...

Oh, I know W. The players and owners need to work this stuff out, as they are affecting many folks who depend on football to work. From those who sell hot dogs to those who put it on TV.

We think the players will give in and get things worked out, as they have no pay check coming in if they do not play, and still have to make house payments and payments on that expensive car they bought. Owners? They have other income.That is how many became owners.

In general, when economy gets bad, folks turn to watching more sports on TV. Hope thats right.

Anonymous said...

W, what is the phrase your preacher taught you? Mo