Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It was a chilly 33 degrees on the drive over this morning. Again, the forecasters are making a lot out of this cold weather next week. I really hope it turns out to be nothing at all.
* W-spouse was on call again yesterday and worked late. She was exhausted when she got home. If you see her today, or text her today, ask her about a slip of the tongue yesterday. Hilarious!
* W-stepson that lives with us, when you come in the door each evening, he never fails to ask you "How was your day"? He also listens to what you say when you tell him how it was. He doesn't know it yet, but that is a great start towards a good marriage someday if he continues that habit.
* So far, he is doing great with his new license and his truck. He logs his driving, to and from and is doing so faithfully.
* I watched one of those "Who done it" shows on ID last night. This ladys son went missing and after thirty years, the police were diving in a canal looking for something else and came across the van that he had been in when he went missing, along with his remains. Thirty years?  It ended up his best friend killed him and pushed the van into the river.
* I like to watch those shows about oceans, especially when they are roaming around in the really deep parts. Some of the pictures and video fascinate me. I would love to explore the ocean deep someday.
* Isn't it amazing the power of video, or more so YouTube ? More on that in the question of the day.
* To all my WWFs opponents. I resigned every game. I quit. I don't need to feel any dumber than I already am by getting beat by 300 points in each game. I need to find another game on my mentality level. Maybe Legos, Pick Up Sticks or Marbles.
* I will be playing bachelor for a few days next week. W-spouse is going to stay with her mother while she has surgery. Please keep W-mother-in-law in your prayers.
* If anyone knows of any good parties going on, hit me up for the nights she will be gone.
* Just kidding!
* Right now the sun is coming up and it is a spectacular view from where I am.
* On most days while at work, I have very little social interaction. The rig hands speak very little English, so not many conversations are held with them, and my pump and swivel don't say much. W-spouse has just the opposite where she works. Most days she has sensory overload when she arrives home.
* Most of the time, I talk and she listens...........while dozing   :-)
* Its time to make some money, see ya Around The Corner!


The Angry Squaw said...

Mr. Corner, I am with you on the WWF games. I do not have an IPhone, so I haven't been invited to play all the reindeer games, but that particular part of it came as a great relief to me. I just know I would feel like the token dumb kid if I ever tried to take anyone on in a game of WWF!!!!

Wspouse said...

Honey you so funny! I love you, have a good day. I'll get you some legos and lincoln logs on the way home.

Unknown said...

Hey! You are pretty good @ apples to apples!

Anonymous said...

So happy to read such a good report about W-stepson. Thanks for prayer request, as I know they will be needed. I really enjoy reading your blog. Mo

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you don't want to play WWF. The game has been very frustrating lately....However, when I play you, I know you think of me as I do of you. I know that when I play I don't pay so much attention to the score, just more that I am having some sort of communication with you!!!! Anyway prayers for MIL and glad sson is doing well with driving! And I agree with the apples to apples comments.... how did the christmas games go this year? Love ya. One of your favorites....juanita....:)

aroundthecorner said...

Christmas games were a blast. They all played Minute To Win It games. Everyone participated and there were lots of laughs. Hope to see ya soon ya!

Shayne said...

Hey Bubba, I get so upset with you when you talk about and imply that you are not as smart as those who play WWF. You are one of the smartest and hard working people I know. So basically, STOP calling my Bubba dumb!!!!