Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* A light jacket will be needed this morning. It only showed 50 degrees on the ride over. They are forecasting the weekend to get very cold again.
* I woke up with a head ache at 2 am this morning. I never have a head ache. Its gone now.
* I have a friend that controls his diabetes with cinnamon tablets. He takes no prescribed meds. He does not pay very close attention to what he eats, and not only drinks a lot of beer, but makes his own.
* Now I am neither going to quit taking my medicine, or going to start making my own brew, but I did start taking cinnamon pills to see if it helps control my levels.
* I know what else will control my levels. Diet and exercise.
* I saw an old friend in Walmart last night. I used to ride along in his patrol car back in the day. He is still in law enforcement. When I rode along with him the sheriff was Leroy Burch. That was a while back!
* We used to head to Newark about dark, because we knew we were going to get a call there. Nine out of ten times that was true.
* While riding with him, one night we got into a high speed pursuit that lasted about 30 seconds.
* I never really wanted to be in law enforcement, but  I always liked how they respected and treated each other. You wouldn't know unless you have experienced it. It is a special bond.
* One of our sons has a degree in law enforcement. He is now a firefighter.
* Thanks to everyone for the comments on the QOD yesterday. Like Jeffo, I feel like people might think that I am playing cards or browsing the net. The Bible that I like is the NIV translation and it has so many tools available to take notes, highlight scripture and such. What I was really asking and probably didn't make myself clear was what Ano and Donald stated. Is having an Bible in your hand feel different to you than an electronical device, and what your thoughts were. As far as approval whether I carry mine or not, thats a big yes. I made that decision months before I purchased it.
* W-spouse and I had dinner with the Vegas visitors last night. I also bought dinner because W-papa didn't do very well at the Blackjack tables.
* The last part of that was not true, at least the part about not winning.
* They told us a story of their return trip on the plane where a man was having heart problems. The airline staff administered oxygen, and the pilots kicked the plane in high gear, a runway was cleared for landing and they arrived back in DFW 30 minutes early. On the plane ride to Vegas, they set/sat next to a young lady whose mother was in Vegas at the NFR, had fallen on the tile floor at one of the casinos and hit her head and was in a coma.
* We also dropped in on Madison, and W-spouse got to give her a bottle and put her to sleep. This is after she had already gotten to go sit with Ava G earlier. She got a two-fer!
* May your day be blessed and prosperous, see ya Around The Corner!

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