Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* My rear view mirror was saying 37 degrees at Decatur, but 27 when I got to Denton. Either way, it's cold.
* When I sold my motorcycle a few months ago, I unloaded a lot of cold weather riding gear that I planned on using out in the field this winter. After tearing the house completely apart last night and this morning searching for it, and blaming W-spouse for packing it away somewhere, I cleaned my pickup out this morning when I got to the location, and found it all.
* My bad.
* I have warm ears now.
* W-spouse and I have this ongoing riff about, she told me something and I say she didn't, or I told her something and she says that I didn't.  Does everyone do that?
* I blame it on hormones.........NOT MINE!
* My blog. I WIN.
* W-spouse got to go and play with Ava Grace last night. She needs to do that every night, because she is always in a good mood after doing so.
* Well it's looking like we are going to have babysitting duties for both grandkids Saturday night, so that both sets of parents can have a "Date Night" and go shopping. Now if you remember, W-spouse and I had plans for Saturday night already.
* Actually the loft in Ft Worth we were going to stay in got rented out early, so it was put on the back burner.
* The first annual American Country Music awards show last night was a letdown if you ask me. I lost total interest with some of the stars they had giving out the awards. Chris Angel? Are you kidding me? And he kept repeating "Vissionary", like just because he is a magician that he can see into the future or something.
I say it was a failure. The one good part was listening to the compilation of Rascal Flatt songs.
* Oh and, Jewel and Ty Murray? Sheez, that is the weirdest couple ever.
* The season finale of Boardwalk Empire was very good. I have a feeling that Nucky Thompson is going to have his hands full next season.
* It's mid season on all of our shows that we watch. ANy suggestions?
* Smile a lot today, be happy and wish someone a Merry Christmas. See ya Around The Corner!


Kathleen... said...

Cris Angel is CREEPY. Visionaries must mean CREEPY.

I love Rascal Flatts....they are awesome! Saw them in concert once.....=)

I've never quite understood the Jewel/Ty Murray combo either.

Have a good one...I'm gonna too. ;-)

wspouse said...

Honey I swear I told you we aren't the only couple that does that! lol
:-) Merry Christmas
Love you

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

me: I already told you that.
her: No, you did not.
me: Yes, I did. (a little louder)
her: No, you didn't. (much louder)
me: What?
her: What!?
me: I didn't think you knew what!
her: What?...Nevermind!
me: thinking - hehehe

RPM said...

Chris Angel = freak

Jewel and Ty Murray always seemed like a pretty good fit to me, except she should have chosen me instead of him.

Boardwalk Empire is nothing short of greatness. It may take a few seasons (like The Sopranos) for the audience to accept the show and understand it.

Unfortunately, it's either season finale or mid-season replacement time for most shows. Networks have gone to a split-season format.

Showtime is promoting Shameless staring William H. Macy as the patriarch of a dysfunctional family pretty hard as a midseason replacement. Might be worth watching.